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Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02

Hello! As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to download or modify templates. However, I'm happy to provide some guidance on how to edit the charts in the Simon PPT data visualization template. 1. Open the Simon PPT template in PowerPoint. 2. Click on the chart you want to edit to select it. 3. Right-click on the chart and select "Edit Data" from the drop-down menu. 4. This will open the Excel spreadsheet that the chart is based on. You can modify the data in the spreadsheet to update the chart. 5. Once you have made the necessary changes, close the Excel spreadsheet and the chart in PowerPoint will automatically update to reflect the new data. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

喜欢的同学欢迎到我PPT STORE的主页下载哟~~!

Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02 Simon PPT——数据可视化模板02

文章为用户上传,仅供非商业浏览。发布者:Lomu,转转请注明出处: https://www.daogebangong.com/fr/articles/detail/Simon%20PPTData%20Visualization%20Template%2002.html

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