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权威 PPT简介
《Huamns and nature》View Workshop PPT
Activity 1
What do you know about the universe?
What do you want to know about the universe?
13.8 billion 27.5 billion 46 billion
1. The universe is about __________ years old.
2. The observable universe is about _________ light years across in diameter.
3. Today the distant objects like stars that we can observe are a bit more than ____________ light years away.
Activity 2
Watch the first part of the video. Check you predictions.
Activity 3
Watch the rest of the video. Complete the table.
Activity 4
Watch again and discuss.
1) What is the Earth compared to? Is the comparison useful in understanding the infiniteness of the universe?
The size of the Earth within the observable universe is roughly equivalent to the size of a virus within the solar system. That does not help much, because we cannot really appreciate the incomprehensible smallness of a virus nor the bewildering bigness of our solar system either.
2) What methods does the presenter use to enable viewers to understand this piece of knowledge in physics?
The presenter provides comparisons that are relative to our knowledge.
Activity 5
Find more and share.
What have you learnt about the size of the universe?
Find more information online and share with the class.
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