《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件11

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件11
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《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件11

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《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件11

课 前 预 习


1. 清理;清除v._______

2. 卧室n. ___________

3. 地位(或职位、级别)低下的adj._________

4. 拥有;有v. __________

5. 铁路;铁道n. _____________

6. 分开;离开v._________

7. 某种;某事;某人adj.___________

8. 诚实的;老实的adj.______________

9. 一段时间;一会儿n. _____________

10. 诚实的;真实的adj. ____________


11. junior high school ________

12. clear out _______

13. grow up _________

14. part with _______________

15. as for ___________________

16.to be honest ____________

17. no longer ________

18. in a yard sale ___________

19. children’s home _______

20.for a while___________

21. do with _________

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1. After he finished his study in j_______ high school, he went to worked in Guangzhou.

2. There are two _______(卧室) in the my house.

3. Linda is an h_______ girl and she never tells a lie.

4. It's possible _______ (某种) situation.

5. I have kept the toy bear since I was five. I can’t p_______ with it.


6. 对于我来说,最重要的事情是开心和健康

_________ me, the most important thing is to be happy and healthy

7. 让我们把这些东西捐赠给需要的人吧。

Let’s ___________.

8. 和他的旧物品分离,他很伤心。

He was very sad to ____________.

... ... ...

课 后 作 业


( ) 1. – Do you know the boy in a blue jacket?

–Certainly.We____friends since I was six.

A. Became B. has become

C. were D. has been

( ) 2. Don’t worry. I’m certain ____to the airport on time. The time is enough.

A. get B. will get C. to get D. getting

( ) 3. –The meat smells terrible. _____ will you ____it?

–We should throw it away.

A. How; deal with

B. How; do with

C. Which; deal with

D. What; deal with

( ) 4. – Look at these stamps. I_______ them for five years.

– Wow, they are wonderful.

A. kept B. have kept

C. have bought D. bought

... ... ...


1. 自从他七岁生日,他就拥有了这架钢琴。

2. 说实在的,我很喜欢流行音乐。

3. 他把房间的旧物品清理出来。

4. 他不再喜欢他的旧玩具了。

5. 我们决定卖掉旧物品来筹集资金给贫苦的孩子。


Jenny and Sally, the twin sisters, have been volunteering 1 they were just 8 years old. They first began at Children’s home with their mom. Every birthday, they 2 toys or food to it and had a birthday party with the 3 there.

On their 16th birthday, they had a 4 . “Both of us love baking. Why don’t we do the cookies and cakes by 5 and help more children. So they decided to 6 their own organization, Sweet Bake House in 2011. Every month, the 7 of the Sweet Bake House get together at their local church.

They make some homemade cookies and birthday cakes with the children without parents. Jenny and Sally want the children to be able to 8 their birthday with the fun of baking homemade cookies and cakes together.

It is nearly four years since Sweet Bake House started. It has over 200 volunteers, 9 more than $60,000 and helps more than 250 children every year.

Jenny and Sally say, “We will 10 running Sweet Bake House with our own kids when we grow up.”

( ) 1. A. forB. when C. while D. since

( ) 3. A. took awayB. ran away C. put awayD. gave away

( ) 2. A. nursesB. eldersC. kidsD. doctors

( ) 4. A. gift B. plan C. problem D. party

( ) 5. A. yourself B. myselfC. themselvesD. ourselves

( ) 6. A. open B. make C. start D. close

( ) 7. A. teachersB. parentsC. friendsD. volunteers

( ) 8. A. forget B. celebrateC. miss D. check

( ) 9. A. wastes B. buysC. raisesD. spends

( ) 10. A. mind B. keepC. dislikeD. finish

... ... ...


Over the years, homes have been filled with a lot of unwanted things, such as books and old clothes. But it seems wasteful to throw them away. How can we deal with them? May be we can have a yard sale.

The yard sale, which is also called a garage sale or a porch sale, is becoming popular in America. One family, or even one person, can hold a yard sale. People just collect some things they no longer want and put them in the yard outside their home.

They might also place handmade signs on nearby streets to show people to the sale. The warmer months are the most popular times. In Alabama, thousands of families may have a yard sale on the same weekend. Almost anything can be sold at a yard sale, books, old toys, tools, tables, clothes and so on. That way, the yard sellers can clear out the old things. And at the same time they can also make a little money.

Yard sales are a good way for people to find cheap things for their family.

Still other people go there because they enjoy the hunt. They like to find beautiful or unusual things with less money. For example, they may find a piece of old furniture(家具) but after it is repaired, it may be worth a lot of money. Some people go to yard sales to find a special thing that they collect. They might look for things like stamps, dolls, old money, bottles... To other people, yard sales are simply a way to have fun. Still other people say yard sales help the environment. Old things find new homes, so they are not thrown away.

( ) 1.According to the passage, people do NOT hold the yard sale _______.

A. in a yard B. in a garage

C. in a porch D. in a supermarket

( ) 2. The following months are popular times for a yard sale except(除了) ______.

A. March B. May

C. October D. January

( ) 3. In Paragraph Three, the writer give an example in order to show that ________.

A. all the things in the yard sale are broken

B. people will not find anything good to buy

C. people can buy some great things at a low price

D. people will hold their own yard sale to sell all their things.

( ) 4. The underlined word “hunt” means ______ in this passage.

A. 关注B.搜寻C.高消费D.打猎

... ... ...

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《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件14:

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件14 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 现今,现在,目前 adv. _____________ 2. 搜索;搜查 v.n.________ 3. 在(其)中;之一prep.__________ ..

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件13:

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件13 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 家乡;故乡 n. __________ 【短语】 2. be back _______ 3. at least ________ 4. for a while__________..

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件12:

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件12 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 院子 n. ________ 2. 甜蜜的,甜的,含糖的 adj.________ 3. 检查;审查v.& n.________ 4. 记忆;回忆n...


更新时间: 2024-10-22



文件大小:164 KB



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