《Let's Go to the Museum!》Let's Go! PPT课件

《Let's Go to the Museum!》Let's Go! PPT课件
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《Let's Go to the Museum!》Let's Go! PPT课件

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《Let's Go to the Museum!》Let's Go! PPT课件

第一部分内容:Warm up

Do you like going to the museum?

New words

博物馆 museum n.

会堂;大厅;走廊 hall n.

著名的 famous adj.

绘画;绘画作品 painting n.

无聊的 boring adj.

战争 war n.

学;学习 learn v.

历史;历史课程 history n.

区域;面积 area n.

礼物 gift n.

... ... ...

Let's Go to the Museum!PPT,第二部分内容:Listen and fill in the blanks.

Danny: Jenny, where are we going first?

Jenny: Hmm… Oh, I know! Let's go to the Art Hall. This museum has many _________ paintings.

Danny: That's boring, Jenny. Let's go to the War Hall. We can _______ about the history of war.

Jenny: OK. We can go to the War Hall first. But Where is it?

Danny: Let's ask that man. Maybe he knows the way.

Jenny: Excuse me. We are looking for the War Hall. Can you help us?

Museum clerk: Yes. Go straight down the Rest ______ and turn left at the Gift shop. Then turn right at the Help Desk. Pass the 3D Hall. You will see the War Hall on your left.

Jenny: Thank you.

Museum clerk: You 're welcome.

Jenny: Danny, You see? The ______ ______ is just over there.

Danny: OK. OK. We are going to the Art Hall first. But I want to buy a donut at the Rest Area.

Jenny: You 're a great friend, Danny!

Danny: I know.

... ... ...

Let's Go to the Museum!PPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1. We can learn about the history of war.

learn about/of 意为“了解到……的消息(情况、信息等)”。

例:I’m sorry to learn of his illness. 听说他病了,我很难过。

2. Excuse me. 对不起。

Excuse me是用于麻烦别人、提出请求或询问情况时的委婉语, 意为“劳驾,请原谅,打扰了,对不起”。


... ... ...

Let's Go to the Museum!PPT,第四部分内容:Read and answer.

1. Where are Danny and Jenny?

They are at the museum.

2. What can Danny learn about the War Hall?

He can learn about the history of war.

3. What can Jenny see at the Art Hall?

She can see many famous paintings.

4. After asking the way, where will they go first?

They will go to the Art Hall first.

... ... ...

Let's Go to the Museum!PPT,第五部分内容:问路常用句型:

A. “特殊疑问句” 类句型

1. Excuse me. Where is the…, please?

2. Excuse me. Which is the way to…, please?

3. Excuse me. How can I get to…,please?

B. “一般疑问句” 类句型

1. Can you tell me how I can get to …?

2. Can you tell me the way to…?

3. Can you tell me which is the way to…?

4. Can you tell me how to get to…?

5. Excuse me, do you know the way to…?

... ... ...

Let's Go to the Museum!PPT,第六部分内容:Pair work

Each of you draws a map of your own neighbourhood.

Then practice giving each other directions to different locations on the map.

Your maps may include:

Your home

Your friend’s home

A supermarket

A restaurant

A park

A clothes store

... ... ...

Let's Go to the Museum!PPT,第七部分内容:Exercise


1. This museum has many famous paintings.(改为一般疑问句)

Does this museum have many famous paintings?

2. We can go to the War Hall first. (画线提问)

Where can you go first?

3. The Art Hall is just over there. (画线提问)

Where is the Art Hall?

4. What a great friend you are! (改为陈述句)

You are a great friend.

5. I want to buy a donut at the Rest Area. (画线提问)

What do you want to buy?

... ... ...

Let's Go to the Museum!PPT,第八部分内容:Homework

Write a short dialogue about asking and giving directions.

关键词:冀教版七年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Let's Go to the Museum!PPT下载,Let's Go!PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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更新时间: 2024-09-29



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《Let's Go to the Museum!》Let's Go! PPT课件