《The Spring City》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件

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《The Spring City》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

budding, nearly, millimetre, plenty, anytime, long for, all year round, plenty of, hundrends of

Key sentences:

1. When we think of spring, we think of a season of fine, warm weather and clear, fresh air.

2. Everyone longs for spring.

3. But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round.

4. There’s plenty of sunshine too, with about 2250 hours of sunshine every year.

5. Because of the spring-like weather, you can find hundreds of beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year.

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The Spring CityPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

Let’s talk

1. Would you like to live in a place

where there are no winters?

Why or why not?

2. Have you been to Kunming?

What do you think of this city?

They are all beautiful, aren’t they?

Which city is called“the Spring City”in China? Do you know?

... ... ...

The Spring CityPPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions

budding adj. 正发芽的

nearly adv. 几乎;差不多;将近

millimetre n. 毫米;千分之一米

plenty n. 丰富;大量

anytime adv. 在任何时候;随便什么时候

long for 渴望;向往;盼望

all year round 一年到头;终年

plenty of 许多;大量

hundreds of 数百的

budding adj. 发芽的

例:When we see the budding trees, we will think of hope.当我们看到树木萌芽,我们会想到希望。

nearly (=almost) adv. 几乎,差不多

例:It nearly rains all the summer.整个夏天几乎都在下雨。

millimetre n. 毫米

例:My new ruler is 200 millimetres long.我的新尺子是200毫米长。

plenty n.大量的(=a lot of =lots of)


anytime adv. 任何时候,随便什么时候

例:Anytime you need my help, you can call me.


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The Spring CityPPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read.

When we think of spring, we think of a season of fine, warm weather and clear, fresh air. We think of new life, green plants and budding trees all around us.

Everyone longs for spring. Spring is a short season in many places around the world. But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round.

The weather here is neither too hot nor too cold. The average winter temperature is 15 ℃.

In summer it never gets too hot. The average temperature is 24 ℃. The city gets about 1 000 millimetres of rain every year. There's plenty of sunshine too, with about 2 250 hours of sunshine every year. Because of the spring-like weather, you can find hundreds of beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year.

Can you guess my hometown? Yes, it’s Kunming —“the Spring City”.

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The Spring CityPPT,第五部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. What’s the average temperature in winter/summer in Kunming?

The average winter temperature is 15℃ and in summer the average temperature is 24℃.

2. How much rain does the city get every year?

About 1 000 millimetres.

3. How many hours of sunshine does the city get every year?

2 250 hours of sunshine.

4. Why are there many flowers all year round in Kunming?

There many flowers all year round in Kunming because of the spring-like weather.

2.Listen to people talking about their hometowns and match the names with the sentences.


It is warm and wet. Spring begins in November.


They celebrate the Festival of Colours to greet the coming of spring.

Zhang Jing

The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The average spring temperature is 20 ℃.

Dong Chao

The average spring temperature is 5 ℃. It is very cold.


Spring begins in April and ends in June. The temperature is between 4 ℃ and 15 ℃.

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The Spring CityPPT,第六部分内容:Language points

1. When we think of spring, we think of a season of fine, warm weather and clear, fresh air.当我们一想到春天的时候,我们会想到一个有着 晴朗、温暖的天气和清新的空气的季节。

think of sth./sb.


例:When I said that I wasn’t thinking of you.


(2) 想出,构思出

例:Have you thought of a name for the baby yet?


(3) 记得,想起

例:I can’t think of his name at the moment.


2. Everyone longs for spring. 每个人都渴望春天。

long v. 渴望

long for sb/sth. 渴望……

long (for sb) to do sth. 渴望做……(尤指对看似不会很快发生的 事)

例:Lucy had always longed for a brother.


I’m longing to see you again.


3. There’s plenty of sunshine too, with about 2250 hours of sunshine every year.这里阳光充足,每年大约有2250小时的日照时间。

plenty of 大量,充足,众多

例:They always gave us plenty to eat.


I have seen a lot of / lots of / plenty of / a great number of English films.


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The Spring CityPPT,第七部分内容:Exercises


1. 我今天已经做了很多工作。

I have done plenty of work today.

2. 我们渴望父母关心我们。

We long for parents to care about us.

3. 一年到头把花园拾掇得干净整洁是很辛苦的。

Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be hard work.

4. 数百人正处于危险中。

Hundreds of people are at risk.

5. 这瓶子差不多空了。

The bottle’s nearly empty.

6. 今天很凉快。感觉像是秋天。

It's so cool today. It feels like autumn.

7. 我在这场事故中险些丧命。

I was nearly killed in the accident.

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The Spring CityPPT,第八部分内容:Summary

1. Learnt some new words and expressions.

2. Knew how the weather is in Kunming.

3. learnt to talk about the spring in your hometown.

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The Spring CityPPT,第九部分内容:Homework

1. Review the words and expressions in Lesson 4.

2. Preview the words in Lesson 5.

3. Read the dialogue in Lesson 5 and underline the useful phrases.

关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,The Spring CityPPT下载,Spring Is ComingPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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更新时间: 2024-10-19



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