《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件12

《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件12
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《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件12

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《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件12

课 前 预 习


1. 成就;成绩n.______________________

2. 西南的;西南方向的adj._____________

3. 厚的adj._____________________

4. 包括;包含v.________________

5. 极冷的;冰冻的adj.________________

6. 条件;状况n._______________________

7. 实现目标;成功v.__________________

8. 挑战;考验v.&n.________________

9. 达到;完成;成功v._______________

10. 力;力量 n. _________________

11. 自然界;大自然n.________________

... ... ...


12. mountain climbing ___________

13. in the face of ____________

14. take in _________________________

15. even though (= even if) _____________

16. the first people to reach the top ____________

17. succeed in doing _________________

18. one of the main reasons _____________

19. give up _________

20. the forces of nature _________________

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1. Our school lies in the __________ (西南的) part of the city.

2. No one can s_________ without any hard work.

3. I’m sorry to hear that his living _______ (状况) are not good.

4. This dictionary is a little ________ (厚)than that one.

5. The Greens enjoy living in the countryside because they love the beauty of ______(大自然) there.


6. 当你接近山顶的时候,吸进空气是很困难的。

_____________________ when you get near the top of the mountain.

7. 其中最主要的原因之一就是因为人们在困难面前想挑战自我。

_____________ that people want to __________ difficulties.

8. 她是第一个成功登上山顶的女性。

She is __________the top of the mountain.

... ... ...


( ) 11. Which language is ______ to learn, English, French or Chinese?

A. difficult B. more difficult

C. most difficult D. the most difficult

( ) 12. If you want to be _______, you have to eat _______ food and take ______ exercise.

A. thinner, less, more

B. thinner, little, many

C. thin, few, enough

D. thinner, fewer, less

( ) 13. Our classroom is __________ larger than theirs.

A. more B. quite C. very D. much

( ) 14. Kate sings _______ than ________ in her class.

A. better, all the other girl

B. much better, any other girl

C. more better, the other girls

D. much more better, any other girl

... ... ...

课 后 作 业


( ) 1. If you work hard enough, you will succeed ________ the exam.

A. in passing B. to pass

C. passed D. pass

( ) 2. - Do his pets________ the cat?

-Yes, he has three pet cats______ this one.

A. include, included

B. include, including

C. including, included

D. included, including

( ) 3. _____ it’s hard work, I enjoy it.

A. Because of B. As long as

C. Even though D. As far as

( ) 4. Life is always full of difficulties, but we should take them as __.

A. facts B. hobbies C. challenges D.stories

( ) 5. For most people, it’s very difficult to ____air at the top of Qomolangma.

A. take out B. take off C. take up D. take in

... ... ...


1. 世界上最危险的运动之一是登山运动。

2. 如果你努力工作,你就会成功。

3. 他们是第一批登上山顶的人。

4. 只要你不放弃,你就会实现你的梦想。

5. 即使他很累,他也没有放弃工作。


I first saw the baby panda when she was only 10 days old. She looked like a white mouse. We called her Xi Wang. It 1 “hope”.

When Xi Wang was born, she was just 100 grams(克). Xi Wang drank her mother’s milk for 14 hours a day. When she was six 2 old, she started to eat bamboo shoots(嫩芽). 3 eight months, she was not a small baby any more. She grew into a healthy young panda and 4 35 kilos. When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had to 5 herself because her mother had another baby. Xi Wang had to live by itself.

6 , it is very difficult for pandas to live in the wild. Here are some 7 that pandas like Xi Wang may have in the future. If hunters(猎人) catch a panda, they will 8 it for its fur(皮毛). If farmers 9 trees and forests, pandas will have no place to live in. When mothers leave baby pandas alone, people will often take them away. People think that the baby pandas need help.

If pandas are in danger, we should try our best to protect them. If we do nothing, soon there will 10 be any panda in the world.

( ) 1. A. calls B. means

C. makes D. develops

( ) 2. A. months B. years

C. days D. hours

( ) 3. A. Later B. Before

C. After D. Ago

( ) 4. A. became B. turned

C. were D. weighed

( ) 5. A. take after B. look after

C. look like D. look through

... ... ...

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《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件14:

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《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件11:

《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件11 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 平方;正方形 n. ______ 2. 米;公尺 n. _________ 3. 深的;纵深的adj.________ 4. 沙漠n. _____..


更新时间: 2024-10-16



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