《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件

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《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件

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《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件

Free talk

If you have a school leavers’ party, what is your feeling and what will you do for the party? Will you sing a song?

Enjoy a song, Shining Friends

A little faith brightens are rainy day

Life is difficult you can go away

Don't hide yourselves in a corner

You have my place to stay

Sorrow is gonna say goodbye

Opens up you see the happy sunshine

Keep going on with your dream

Chasing tomorrow sunrise

The spirit can never die

... ... ...

Look at the picture. Answer the questions.

What’s the special event?

It is the school-leavers’ party.

What is everybody doing?

They are dancing and talking.

Listen and answer the questions.

① Where is Betty going tonight?

Betty is going to the school-leavers’ party.

② What are Betty and Tony going to do?

She is going to help Tony put up the pictures, balloons and flags.

③ Why does Betty refuse to eat before she leaves?

Betty refuses to eat because she is going to eat at the party.

... ... ...

Read again and answer the questions.

1. Why is Lingling sad?

Lingling is sad because she’s going to miss her friends.

2. What makes the hall look wonderful?

The international flags make the hall look wonderful.

3. What do they think of the music?

They think the music has got a good beat.

4. What are Tony’s plans?

He hopes to stay in China for a long time. and even if he goes back to the UK, he’ll come back and visit his friends.

5. What is on the menu?

There are hot dogs, pancakes and apple juice on the menu.

6. What do they wish for when they raise their glasses?

They wish for their friendship and their future.

... ... ...

Complete the questions with the words in the box.

future intend pancake pardon

1. If you say ________, does it mean “Please say that again” or “I’m sorry”?

2. Do you think a(n) _________ is something to eat or something to drink?

3. If you ________ to do something, do you want to do it or not?

4. Do you think the _________ will be better than the past?

Everyday English

Read and make a dialogue with each one.

Pardon? 对不起

I hope so. 我希望如此

Good for you! 适合你 

Here’s to … 为...干杯


... ... ...

Language points

1. I’m going to miss you all.

be going to 可以表示打算、意图,也可以表示有某种迹象,比如:It’s going to rain.

miss在这里做动词,是“想念, 惦记”的意思

I do miss the children. The house seems so silent without them.

I will miss you terribly when you go away.

I miss living in the country.



He missed the 9:30 train.

I don't want to miss seeing that film on TV tonight.

It seems that we have missed our chance.

The post office is just round the corner. You can't miss it.

miss n. 小姐(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)

... ... ...


1) Every time I have salty coffee, I always think of your mother. I m______ her so much.

2) I’m sure we’ll _____ each other after we leave school.

3) A: By the way where’s the bus stop?

B: It's at the end of this street. You can't______ it.

2. It’s got a great beat!


Rock roll has a strong beat.

Painting, that my beat forever in my life!

Try to follow the beat.


in beat 合拍

He tried to set the clock in beat.

off one's beat 超出某人熟悉的范围

Doing that is rather off my beat.

... ... ...

用raise, rise的正确形式完成下列句子。

1. He ______ and walked to the window.

2. He ______ his hat to me as a sign of respect.

3. The people’s living standard has greatly been ______.

4. Her temperature is still ______.

(2011 东营) Many people complain that some of KFCs in China _______ the price of a hamburger by one yuan.

A. rose B. raised

C. dropped D. controlled

此处的 raise为及物动词,指价格的上涨 。

... ... ...


1.He intends _____ abroad next year.

A. studied B. studies

C. study D. to study

2._____I go, the dog follows me.

A. Whenever B. Wherever

C. Whatever D. Where

3.He_____a speech on peace yesterday.

A. made B. spoke C. got D. did

4. Please make a report after you finish ______ the book.

A. reading B. to read

C. read D. reads

5. Let’s raise our glasses. Here’s _____ our friendship.

A. to B. for C. in D. at

... ... ...

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《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件3:

《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件3 Warming up How will you feel at the school-leavers party? What are you going to show for your classmates? Will you wea..

《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件2:

《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件2 Words and expressions handbag n. (女用)手提包 beat v. 节拍,拍子 pardon int. 对不起,请原谅 intend n.水池,游泳池 f..


更新时间: 2024-10-21



文件大小:555 KB



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《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件