《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT

《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT
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《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT

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《The World Is a Big Place》Know Our World PPT

第一部分內容:Think About It

How many continents are there in the world? What are they?

What do you know about the place where you live?

Learn some new words.

planet n. 行星

billion n. 十億;千兆

total n. 總計;總數

adj. 總的;總計的

increase v. 增加;增大

Indian adj. 印度的 n. 印度人

Atlantic n.&adj. 大西洋(的)

Arctic adj. 北極的

The World Is a Big PlacePPT,第二部內容:Let’s Do It!

Read the lesson and match each paragraph with its main idea.

Paragraph1 a. Six of the seven continents are good for people to live on.

Paragraph2 b. We should treat the earth well.

Paragraph3 c. An increasing population is a big problem for the earth.

Paragraph4 d. Two thirds of the earth is covered with oceans.

Paragraph5 e. People cannot live everywhere on the earth.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.

increase dry surface billion total

1. The number of swimmers here is _________ quickly because it’s very hot these days.

2. The school has a ______ of 900 students.

3. I think it may be the _____ season of the year.

4. The ______ of our body is skin. It protects us.

5. How many ______ of people are there in the world now?

The World Is a Big PlacePPT,第三部分內容:Language points.

..., the world’s population was over 7 billion in total. 世界上人口總計已超過70億。

(1) population 意為“人口”,常被看作是一個整體,一般不加s。作主詞時,謂語動詞要用單數形式。

如:The population of Germany is about 81,000,000.


(2) 表示“…的人口”可用“the population of + 地名”,也可用“the population in + 地名”,作主詞中心詞時,謂語動詞用單數形式。如:

The population of Canada is about 30,000,000. 加拿大的人口是三千萬。

表示某國、某城市有多少人口時,還可用... has a population of ... 結構。如:

The city has a population of 30,000. 那座城市有三萬人口。

The World Is a Big PlacePPT,第四部分內容:Exercise

I. 根據首字母或漢語提示,完成單字。

1. The biggest ocean in the world is the P_______Ocean.

2. Almost everyone knows the e_____ goes around the sun.

3. Deserts may cover three _________ (百分比) of the earth’s surface.

4. The population of the world is __________ (增長) quickly.

5. Hainan is the second-largest _________ (島嶼) in China.

6. After half a month at sea, we saw ____(陸地).

II. 用適當的介詞填空。

1. _____ 2025, the world will have 7.8 billion people.

2. Milk is good _________ children.

3. The Nile River is the longest river _________Africa.

4. Which part _________ the world do you live in?

5. _________ the surface of the earth, there is some dry land.

The World Is a Big PlacePPT,第五部分內容:Homework

1. Share with your partner about what you feel after learning.

2. Finish the exercise.

3. Dscribe one planet you are interested in in your exercise book.

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更新時間: 2024-09-16

本模板屬於 英語課件 冀教版八年級下冊英語 行業PPT模板

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