《Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》PPT課件23

《Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》PPT課件23
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《Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》PPT課件23

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《Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》PPT課件23


Dear friends,

I am unhappy these days because my parents don't allow me to practice 1_____ as much as I would like to. I am2_________ about running. I want to be a professional 3____. I believe I can 4 want to be a professional 3____. I believe I can 4b about what will happen if I don't 5_______. I know my parents 6_______about me,

but they don’t believe in me. They think running may 7_____ in the way of my schoolwork. So they don’t 8_____ me to practice running 9___ school nights. They

think I need to think about other possible jobs. What should I do? Should I be allowed to make my 10_____ decision? How much time should I spend on my training and my schoolwork? I need your help.

Please write to me soon!

Sample dialogue :

A: Do you have lots of rules at home?

B: Yes, of course. Only on Saturday afternoon can I go shopping with my friends.

A: That’s nice.

B: And I can choose my own clothes, but I can’t get my ears pierced.

And what about you?

A: I’m not so lucky as you.

get ears pierced

I would like to get my ears pierced when I am twenty-one years old.

take photos

This is a good place for tourists to take photos.

do part-time work

It is common for university students to do part-time work to help pay for their studies.

achieve my dream

I hope to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.

make a choice

It is difficult for me to make a choice between these two bags as I like both of them.

go shopping

I go shopping with my parents every Saturday afternoon.

2 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets. Translate them into Chinese.

1. No matter how many difficulties we have, I believe all problems can________ (solve) in the end.

1. 不管我們有多少困難,我相信所有的難題到最後都可以得以解決。

2. Mobile phones should _____(keep) off during the meeting.

3. Teenagers under eighteen must ________ (not allow) to smoke or drink.

2. 開會時手機應該保持關機狀態。

3. 18歲以下的青少年絕不允許喝酒或抽菸。

4. Many parents think going to school must ______ (put) first, so teenagers should _________(not encourage) to work part-time.

4. 許多父母認為青少年在學校學習應該放在第一位,因此他們不應該被鼓勵去做兼職工作。


Review the new words and expressions in Unit 7.

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更新時間: 2024-08-31

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《Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes》PPT課件23