《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionC PPT

《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionC PPT
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《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionC PPT

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《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionC PPT

第一部分內容:Fast Reading

1.The title of the passage may be ____.

A. Animals and Plants B. China and Foreign Countries

C. Different Cultures, Different Meanings D. Positive and Negative Meanings

2. In China, many parents want their children to become “dragons”. The “dragons” here mean ____ .

A. successful people B. children

C. strong people D. creatures

3.In western countries, heroes killed dragons to protect people. This shows dragons are considered to be ____ .

A. brave B. strong C. lovely D. dangerous

4. In Paragraph 3, the underlined word “regarded” means ____ .

A. considered B. given C. looked D. watched

《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》PPT,第二部內容:Language point

The ancient emperors compared themselves to dragons.


compare…to… 把…比喻成…

compare…with… 把…和… 作比較



He ________ the girl ____ the moon in the poem.


If you ___________________, you’ll find hers is much better.

《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》PPT,第三部分內容:Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given phrases.

pay attention to stand for at times regard as compare…to

1.People say the rose often ___________ love.

2.Dogs are ____________ honest and good friends of humans.

3.You need to _________________ the differences more.

4.Robert Burns __________ his love ______ a red rose.

5.Everybody makes mistakes _________.

How to write your composition

Discuss in groups to get the fact and supporting ideas.

Draw your draft.

The phrases in 1b may help you!

stand for, regard/consider…as, a symbol of, have positive/negative meaning…

Compose your writing.

Don’t forget the conj.

Check your spelling, tense etc.

《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》PPT,第四部分內容:Exercises

1.Dragon ____________(被當做)the symbol of Chinese nation.

2.If you ________________(多注意)what the teacher says in class, you will not ______________ (犯相同的錯誤).

3.We usually ___________ life _______ stage.(把…比喻為).

4.Bamboo _____________(代表)wisdom and power in Chinese culture.

5.I usually go to the movies with my parents, but ________ alone(有時).

6.My sister ___________ (leave) for Paris in a few days.

《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》PPT,第五部分內容:Summary:

We learn:

1.Some words: negative, consider, honest positive, ancient, magical, creature,compare, courage, underline, pride

2. Some phrases: at times, stand for, regard/consider…as, a symbol of, make mistake, compare…to, compare…with

3. Some sentences:

(1)The ancient emperors compared themselves to dragons.

(2)The rose is regarded as a symbol of love.

We can:

1.Tell the culture differences between China and western countries.

2.Write a composition about the different cultures of the same thing.

《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》PPT,第六部分內容:Assignment

Read 1a.

Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today.

Finish Section C in your workbook.

Review Sections A-C.

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《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionB MP3音訊課件:

《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionB MP3音頻課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音頻文件,非常適用於本課教學。關鍵字:仁愛版九年級上..


更新時間: 2024-09-09

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《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionC PPT(1)《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionC PPT(2)《Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures》SectionC PPT(3)