《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件8

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《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件8

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《Life is full of unexpected》PPT課件8

How much do you know about September 11 attacks?

Location: Manhattan, New York

Date: September 11, 2001

Target: World Trade Center The Pentagon

Death: 2996

Non-fatal injuries: 6000+

How much do you know about 2011 Christchurch Earthquake?

Date: February 2011

Magnitude: 6.3 ML

Epicenter: near Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand


185 deaths

1500-2000 injuries, 164 serious

Look through the passage and answer the questions.

1.Which two events does the writer mention?

The writer mentions the September 11 attack in New York and the earthquake in New Zealand.

2.How did the writer end up missing both events?

The writer went to get a coffee first and was not in the office when the plane hit the World Trade Center. He/ She had overslept and missed his/her flight, so he/she was able to avoid the earthquake.


Find words from the passage with opposite meanings to the words below. Then write a sentence with each word.

1. lost: _____ ________________

2. west: _____ _________________

3. below: ____ _________________

4. dead: ___ ____________________

5. empty: ___ ___________________

Grammar Focus



_______ I got to school, I realized that I

______ ______ my backpack at home.


_____ _____ _____ I got back to school, the bell _____ ______.

3)我到達公車站之前, 汽車已經離開了。

Before I _____ _____ the bus stop, the bus ______ ______ _______.


I _____ _____ _____ go up to my office when I decided to get a coffee first.

When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home.

By the time I got back to school, the bell had rung.

Before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.

當when, by the time, before等引導時間狀語子句時,若描述發生在過去的事,主句常用過去完成式(had + 過去分詞)表示動作發生在過去的過去。

I was about to go up to my office when I decided to get a coffee first.

As I was waiting in line with the other office workers, I heard a loud sound.

be about to do, be doing等表示即將或正在做某事時,常用when引導子句表示突然發生的動作。

Make sentences using by the time or before.

1. Tim went into the bathroom. Mary got up.

By the time Mary got up, Tim had already gone into the bathroom.

2. The coffee became cold. I put cream (n. 奶油) in the coffee.

Before I put cream in the coffee, the coffee had become cold.

3. The teacher collected the math homework. I got to school.

By the time I got to school, the teacher had collected the math homework.

4. I completed the work for my boss. The workday (n. 工作日) ended.

I had completed the work for my boss before the workday ended.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.

rush out, forget, arrive at, go into, show up (趕到;露面), find out

1. By the time I arrived at the party, everyone else _____ already ________.

2. When he put the noodles into a bowl, he realized he ________ to add the green beans (n. 豆).

3. By the time my mother came back from the market (n. 市場), I ____ already ________ the door to go for my piano lesson.

4. Before she got to the airport, she _______about the earthquake.

5. When she ______ the movie theater, she remembered she had forgotten to feed her dog.

6. Before she got a chance to say goodbye, he ________ the building.


1. 複習Grammar Focus 中的內容。

Try to make sentences with before, by the time and be doing … when, and make use of the past perfect tense.

2. 寫作: 描述難忘的經驗。

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更新時間: 2024-10-15

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