《It allows people to get closer to them》Animals in danger PPT課件4

《It allows people to get closer to them》Animals in danger PPT課件4
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《It allows people to get closer to them》Animals in danger PPT課件4

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《It allows people to get closer to them》Animals in danger PPT課件4

Look at the picture and do the quiz.

Let’s do a guessing game.

Guess the words about animals according to the description.

I am tall and I have a long neck.

I am the tiger’s cousin.

I am long and thin.

I am big and I have a very long nose.

I am brown and I live in the forest.

Look at the pictures and do the quiz.

bear elephant giraffe lion snake

1.Iam tall and I have a 長 neck. _______

2.I am the tiger’s cousin. _______

3.I am long and thin. _______

4.I am big and I have a very long nose. _______

5.I am brown and I live in the forest. _______

Listen and answer questions.

1.What is this week’s Animal World about?

It is about snakes.

2.What animals are in danger?

Animals such as pandas, lions, elephants and bears are in danger.

Listen carefully. Check the sentences true or false.

1. Betty saw the tigers at last.

2. The Wolong Panda Reserve doesn’t allow people to get closer to the animals.

3. Many wild animals have a safe place to live.

4. We can raise money to help protect the animals.

Listen and answer the questions.

1) Why do many wild animals have no safe place to live ?

1.Because villages and farms are growing bigger and are taking away their land and forests.

2.Often there isn’t enough clean water.

2) What can we do to help?

Raise money at school. And find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.

Language points

1. interested : (adj.) 有興趣的 interesting : (adj.) 有趣的

1. sb. be interested in…“某人對某事感興趣”,


2. sth. be interesting…“某物令人感興趣 ”,


He is interested in this book.

This book is interesting.= This is an interesting book.

excited – exciting bored – boring

moved – moving surprised – surprising

2. allow v. 允許

allow sb to do sth : 允許某人做…

1.They allow visitors to take photos here.

2.His mother allows him to watch TV after finishing his homework.

allow doing sth: 允許做..

They don’t allow smoking here.

They don’t allow others to smoke here.

3.( be ) in danger “處於危險中, 有危險”

This bird was in danger.

be in safety “處於安全中”

be in health “處於健康中”

be in peace “處於和平中”

The old men in health “健康的老人們”

關鍵字:《It allows people to get closer to them》教學課件,外研版八年級上冊英語課件,八年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《It allows people to get closer to them》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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更新時間: 2024-10-19

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《It allows people to get closer to them》Animals in danger PPT課件4