《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT教科書2

《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT教科書2
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《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT教科書2

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《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT教科書2

Words and expressions

healthy adj. 健康的

delicious adj. 美味的

bread n. 麵包

fish n. 魚肉;魚

hamburger n. 漢堡包

ice cream n. 冰淇淋

noodle n. 麵條

rice n. 米飯;米飯

sugar n. 糖

Look and Say

Are these your favourite food and drink?

Are they healthy or unhealthy?

There are some ________, _______, _______, _______, ________ and broccoli (青花菜).

They are _______ vegetables.

_______ 和 ________ are my ______ food. They are ______ food.

_______ and ________ are my _______ food, but they are _______.


1. To understand the passage about healthy food and drink

2. To learn some key words and useful expressions

3. To write about healthy food and drinking using“but”


healthy bread fish ice cream

noodle rice eat child eye

cheese tired soup breakfast

lunch dinner banana


be good / bad for too much a bit

stay healthy get fat


What’s your favourite…?

Meat and fish are healthy food but too much meat isn’t healthy.

Is it healthy food and drink?


When skimming, we read the passage very quickly. We don’t need to read every word, or stop to look up words we don’t understand; we just need to get a general idea about the passage.

Read the passage Healthy food and drink for children and check the following sentences:

Eat noodles or rice.

Have a good breakfast every morning.

Drink juice, water, tea and milk.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

Eat a lot of ice cream.

Eat some eggs, fish and sweet potatoes.

Language points

1. Is your food and drink healthy?你的飲食健康嗎?

1) drink作名詞,意為“飲料”,既可作可數名詞,也可作不可數名詞。表示一杯或一份飲料,為可數名詞。如:

I would like a cold drink.

drink作動詞, 表示「飲,喝」。如:

What would you like to drink?

2) health 作名詞,意為“健康”,常構成短語in good (bad/poor) health,表示“身體好(不好)”。其形容詞形式為healthy,意為「健康的」;形容詞的反義詞是unhealthy;副詞形式為healthily。如:

That’s a healthy child.

Exercise is good for his health.

Now join the sentences with but.

1.Juice is a healthy drink but cola isn’t.

2.Noodles are healthy food but hamburgers aren’t.

3.Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food but cola, ice cream and hamburgers aren’t.

4.Chocolate is delicious but too much chocolate isn’t good for you.


1. stay healthy

2. be good/ bad for…

3. healthy food and drink

4. What’s your favourite food and drink?

5. Is it healthy food and drink?

6. Meat and fish are healthy food but too much meat isn’t healthy.

Ⅰ. 根據句意及提示寫出正確的單字。

1. The food is very ________ (美味的). I like it.

2. Tom and Mike like Chinese ________(麵條) very much.

3. I want some soup with ________ (糖).

4. _______ (魚肉) is my brother’s favourite food.

5. My father is very ________ (勞累的) every day.

6. There are some oranges. You can e________ some.

7. Don’t have much s________ food.

8. We have milk and eggs for b________.

9. —Is English _______ (重要的) to you?

—Yes, it is.

10. —Can you r_______ that boy’s name?

—Yes. He is Xu Qiang.

Ⅱ. 用括號內所給單字的適當形式填空。

1. There are five ________ (child) in the room.

2. Cola is not a ________ (health) drink. I don’t drink it.

3. The little boy’s ________ (eye) are big and nice.

4. The boy has got white ________ (tooth).

5. The boy can speak English ________ (good).


1. Make a survey to see whose diet is healthy.

2. Read the articles in Learning English.


1. Preview the structure have/has got and the use of some and any.

2. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 3.

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更新時間: 2024-09-17

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