《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件

《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件
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《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件

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《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件


What was she doing?

She was using a mobile phone to call.

What was she doing?

She was using a mobile phone to listen to music.

What was he doing?

He was using a mobile phone to take photos.

Work in pairs.

Talk about what you can do with a mobile phone.

I can use a mobile phone to call people/play music/take photos…

Listen and answer the questions.

1. Where did the accident happened?

In a restaurant.

2. When did he leave hospital?

The next day.

Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. Where did the snake bite him?

The snake bit his hand.

2. When did Jackson pick up his mobile phone?

While the snake was lying on the table, he quickly picked up his mobile phone.

3. Why couldn’t the doctor help him at first?

Because they didn’t know what kind of snake bit him.

Choose the correct answer.

1. The snake bit Mr Jackson again when_______.

a) he was throwing it across the kitchen

b) he was trying to pick it up

c) it was climbing out of a box

2. When Henry was trying to find the snake, _____.

a) he could take a photo

b) the snake became cool

c) his hand began to hurt badly

3. Henry hurried to hospital because________.

a) his hand was hurting

b) he had a photo of the snake

c) the doctors called him on his mobile phone

Language points

1. It climbed out and hid somewhere.

climb out 表示「爬出來」。

climb out of …表示「從…爬出來」。

e.g. The cat couldn’t climb out of the hole.

那隻貓沒辦法從洞裡 爬出來。

2. I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.

be doing …when …表示一個動作正在進行的時候另一個動作突然發生了。


e.g. They were working in the fields when it began to rain. 他們正在田


pick sth. up表示“撿起某物”,代名詞要放在中間。

pick sb. up 表示「接某人」。

Learning to learn

When you write, make sure you use the correct tense. Underline the time and the verb, and check if they agree.

For example:

I was having breakfast at seven o’clock yesterday morning.

I took a photo in the park yesterday.


While, when, as引導的時間狀語子句。


bite one’s hand pick up

get worse in great pain

give sb. the right medicine


1. The girl ____ a kite when I was riding a bike in the ground.

A. flying B. was flying C. is flying

2. The car came out suddenly ____ I was walking.

A. so B. while C. but

3. The children ran _____ the street to catch the early bus.

A. across B. cross C. through

4. The policeman was hurt in _____, so he was sent to hospital at once.

A. pain B. medicine C. plate


Write a passage to tell about your experience when you were in danger.

Useful expressions for you:

One day…

A few days earlier…

…when …

While …


As …

As soon as…

關鍵字:《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》教學課件,外研版八年級上冊英語課件,八年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again 》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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更新時間: 2024-10-02

本模板屬於 英語課件 外研版八年級英語上冊 行業PPT模板

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《I was trying to pick it up when it bite me again》Accidents PPT課件