《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT課件13

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《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT課件13

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《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT課件13


Translate the phrases.

對某人心存感激 be thankful to sb

連同 along with

對......有責任 be responsible for

渴求,渴望 be thirsty for

(時間)過去 go by

弄得一團亂 make a mess

沉住氣;保持冷靜 keep one’s cool

驕傲 be proud of

出發;啟程 set out

犯錯 make mistakes

放棄 give up

在......之前 ahead of

充滿 be full of

處理 deal with

成長 grow up

Think of a person or an event from junior high school that you will never forget. Make some notes about how this person or event changed your life in some way.

Who is the person?/ What is the event?

When and where did you first meet this person?/ When and where did this event happen?

How did you feel when you met this person?/ How did you feel when this event happened?

How did this person help you?/ What happened later?

How has this person’s advice/ event changed your life?


1. 寫中學生活中的難忘的人/事。

2. 事件要有五個要素:when, where, who, what, how, why

3. 最後闡述這件事對自己所產生的影響。

Self Check

1 What happened in junior high that made you have these feelings? Complete the chart.

Feelings Memories/ Experiences

excited Our class won the sports meeting.

happy My friends hold a birthday party for me.

worried I didn’t finish my homework and my teachers were strict.

sad I lost my money.

tired We had a school trip in spring.

proud I got the first in the final examination.

shy I fell down in front of my classmates on the playground.

2 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

I can't _____ (believe) that today is the last day of junior high school. I still _______ (remember) the first day of Grade 7 like it was yesterday. I used to _____ (be) a really shy person, so on shy person, so on the first day of junior high, I ____ (be) so scared and nervous.

I ______ (think) that I would never make any friends. But now, I ______ (realize) that I was just being silly. Since then, I _______ (make) so many good friends and I ________share) me many somo somories with them. Even though I ____ (be) sad that junior high is over, I _______ (look) forward to new experiences in senior high!

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更新時間: 2024-10-16

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《I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7》PPT課件13