《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionD PPT

《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionD PPT
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《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionD PPT

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《I have some exciting news to tell you》SectionD PPT

第一部分內容:Sentences competition.

1. The students are trying to ______ ______(募款) to help the people in the earthquake disaster area(災區).

2. My uncle is a farmer. He _______ (飼養)a lot of animals like pigs, cows and sheep.

3. Jack is from Canada. So he is _________.

4. Susan feels unhappy because she doesn’t know how to _____ ____ ____ (相處)her classmates.

5. Susan’s problem is very _______(普通的) at her age.

6. Do you think that enough money will make us live a _________(舒服自在的) life?

Complete the sentences with the proper form of the given words.

1. My task is__________ (clean) the classroom.

2. It’s dangerous__________ (cross) the street when the lights are red.

3. It takes me half an hour __________ (walk) to school every day.

4. I don't know how _______ ( stop ) these bad feelings.

5. The four children decided _________ (sell) newspapers to raise money.

6. The policeman told us ___________( not play ) in the street.

《I have some exciting news to tell you》PPT,第二部內容:Grammar


I have some exciting news ____(tell/to tell/telling) you!

But it will take us a few days ____(to get / get / getting) there by bike.

Kangkang helped us ____ (book / 書) the train tickets.

Why don’t we put on a show ____ (to raise / raising / raise) money?

The use of the infinitive (動詞不定式).


想預訂房間 want to book a room

決定去春遊 decide to go on a spring field trip

打算騎車去那裡 plan to cycle there

選擇搭火車 choose to take a train

希望玩得愉快 hope to have a good time

拒絕與別人說話 refuse to talk with others

《I have some exciting news to tell you》PPT,第三部分內容:Summary

We learn:

Useful expressions:

get to the top, so… that…, land safely, an interesting place to visit, the next day, love to take photos

The infinitive:

But it will take us a few days to get there by bike.

I want to book some rooms.

Why don’t we put on a show to raise money.

We can:

Talk about our field trip. Make plans for it such as the cost, vehicles to choose, etc.

Use the infinitive as object, object complement and adverbial of purpose correctly.

《I have some exciting news to tell you》PPT,第四部分內容:Project

1.Survey your classmates about where they would like to travel. Then work out the total cost.

2.Work in groups and choose one of the most popular places for you to travel. Then find out more information about traveling there.

3.Discuss and write down your travel route and schedule.

You can begin like this:

We’re going to visit Mount Huang for three days…

《I have some exciting news to tell you》PPT,第五部分內容:Homework

Review the key points in this topic and master the important new words, phrases and useful expressions.

Write your traveling plan or the experience of your own trip.

Preview Section A of Topic 2.

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更新時間: 2024-09-08

本模板屬於 英語課件 仁愛版英語八年級下冊 行業PPT模板

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