《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件12

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件12
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《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件12

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《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件12

課 前 預 習


1. 院子 n. ________

2. 甜蜜的,甜的,含糖的 adj.________

3. 檢查;審查v.& n.________

4. 記憶;回想n. __________

5. 玩具n. ________

6. 分;分幣 n.________

7. 熊v. _______

8. 生產者;制定者v._________

9. 圍巾n. ________

10. 軟的;柔軟的 adj. ______

11.板;木板n. __________


12. have a yard sale _________

13. bread maker____________

14. soft toy______________

15. check out __________

16. board game ______________

17. a couple of ___________

18. sweet memories __________

19. in need __________

20. not … any more _________

21. a bit_____________

22. one last thing ___________

課 堂 小 測


1. Please ________(檢查) whether you have written your telephone number or not.

2. - How much is the small toy? - You can have it for only 80 c_________.

3. She has a good m________ and she can remember new words quickly.

4. We will have a ________ (院子) sale on weekends.

5. I had these ___________ (圍巾) for two years.


6. —你擁有這條圍巾多久了?


- __________ have you ________?

- I have _________________.

7. 請檢查下方這些玩具是否完好。

Please _________________ if these _______ are all right.

8. 我不再玩電腦遊戲了。

I don’t ______________.

課 後 作 業

一、 翻譯句子

1. -你擁有這個布絨玩具多久了?


2. 我不再使用這個麵包機了。

3. 我在紐約住了幾個星期。

4. 自從我是小孩開始,我就擁有這把鋼琴了。

5. 你可以以90美分的價格擁有這輛自行車。


A man was interested in old things. He was looking for things of old times everywhere. One day he came to a village and found a blue 1 which looked very old. The bowl was on the ground and a white cat was 2 white it. At that time, there was a farmer on the ground. And it was the 3 of the cat. He was lying beside the bowl. In order not to draw the famer's attention (注意) to the value of the bowl, the man said to him in a 4 voice, "What a 5 cat you have! Won't you sell it to me?"

" 6 would you give me for it?" the farmer opened his eyes and asked.

"Twenty dollars. Would it be enough?”

They talked about the 7 . A few minutes later the farmer agreed. After he paid the farmer, the man said, "My cat will 8 feel thirsty. May I take the bowl 9 the cat can have milk?

But the farmer said, “I'm sorry I can't give it to you. Thanks to the bowl, I 10 twenty cats already. It was my priceless treasure. It was a tree that could earn a lot of money for me. "

( ) 1. A. vaseB. catC. bowlD. plate

( ) 2. A. boiling B. drinking C. making D. mixing

( ) 3. A. father B. buyerC. ownerD. guest

( ) 4. A. terrible B. tiredC. angryD. soft

( ) 5. A. colorful B. lovelyC. braveD. cheap

( ) 6. A. How much B. How longC. How farD. How many

( ) 7. A. farmB. bowlC. weatherD. price

( ) 8. A. certainly B. perfectlyC. especially D. peacefully

( ) 9. A. even though B. as soon as C. so that D. as long as

( ) 10. A. have bought B. have soldC. have lostD. have owned

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《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件14:

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件14 課前預習【單字】 1. 現今,現在,目前adv. _____________ 2. 搜尋;搜尋v.n.________ 3. 在(其)中;之一prep.____________________ ..

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件13:

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件13 課 前 預 習 【單字】 1. 家鄉;故鄉 n. __________ 【片語】 2. be back _______ 3. at least ________ 4. for a while__________..

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件11:

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件11 課前預習【單字】 1. 清理;清除v._______ 2. 臥室n. ___________ 3. 地位(或職位、級別)低下的adj._________ 4.擁有;有v...


更新時間: 2024-09-06

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《I've had this bike for three years》PPT課件12