《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC PPT

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC PPT
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《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC PPT

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《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC PPT

第一部分內容:1a Read and understand.

2. Write the title of the passage.

Population Problems

1b Read 1a and match the main idea with each paragraph.

1. _____ Paragraph 1 A. the measures to deal with the problems

2. _____ Paragraph 2 B. the world’s and Asia’s population

3. _____ Paragraph 3 C. the problems caused 由 large population

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第二部內容:Paragraph

Paragraph 1

The world’s and Asia’s population.

Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.

Asia has a population of _________________. That’s to say, almost ______ of the people in the world live in Asia now.

Paragraph 2

The problems caused by large population.

About one fifth of the people in the world live in China.

What social problems has it caused

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第三部分內容:Work in groups and search for the information about the following questions.

Then share your idea with your group members.

1. How do you think we can get more living space?

2. What should the government do to offer more job opportunities?

3. The energy and water is less and less. What should we do to deal with it?

4. The traffic in cities is much heavier than before.

How can we solve the problem?

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第四部分內容:Exercises

Choose the best answer.

1. _____ of the students are boys in our school.

A. Two third B. Two threes

C. Two thirds D. Second three

2. The one-child policy has _____ controlling China’s population.

A. been good at B. done well in

C. taken care of D. worked well in

3. Edison is known _____ a great inventor.

A. for B. as C. in D. on

4 ._____ your help, I made great progress in math.

A. Thanks for B. Thanks to

C. Thank to D. Thank for

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第五部分內容:summary

We learn:

1. Some words:

social, supply, natural, worse, government,

paragraph, opportunity, newborn, percent, offer

2. Some phrases:

half of, one fifth, because of, satisfy people’s daily

needs, so far, take measures to do, be known as,

work well in, thanks to

3. Some sentences:

We still have a long way to go.

We can:

1. Read the fractions in English.

2. Talk about population problems.

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》PPT,第六部分內容:Homework

1. Read 1a aloud.

2. Write the composition in 3b.

3. Finish Section C in your workbook.

4. Preview Section D.

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《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionD MP3音訊課件:

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionD MP3音訊課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音訊文件,非常適用於本課教學。關鍵字:仁愛版九年級上冊英文MP3..

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC MP3音訊課件:

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC MP3音訊課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音訊文件,非常適用於本課教學。關鍵字:仁愛版九年級上冊英文MP3..

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionB MP3音訊課件:

《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionB MP3音訊課件 文件內包含本課教學使用的MP3音訊文件,非常適用於本課教學。關鍵字:仁愛版九年級上冊英文MP3..


更新時間: 2024-10-22

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《The population in developing countries is growing faster》SectionC PPT