《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD PPT

《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD PPT
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《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD PPT

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《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD PPT


They are caused by pollution.

It _____ (be) beautiful in the past. Kangkang _______ (go) there two years ago.

Simple past 強調過去

The flowers and grass ___________ (go).

Everything _____________ (change).

Present perfect 強調現在

Mrs. Zhou ____________ (be) like this since last week.

She ______________ (not see) a doctor yet.

《Pollution has caused too many problems》PPT,第二部內容:Functions

Oh, what a _______!

There are several chemical factories _______ waste water into the stream.

What’s ______, the factory makes too much noise…

Noise is _________ to human’s health.

People who work and live in noisy conditions often ______ deaf.

…many teenagers in America can hear no ______ than 65-year-old people do, …

…does great _______ to people’s hearing.

《Pollution has caused too many problems》PPT,第三部分內容:Read 1a and choose the best answer.

( ) 1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Air pollution. B. Light pollution.

C. Litter. D. All sorts of pollution.

( ) 2. ________ destroy(s) the soil.

A. Chemicals B. Weather

C. Noise D. Industry

( ) 3. How do people feel after they work in strong light for a long time?

A. Excited. B. Happy.

C. Terrible. D. Sad.

《Pollution has caused too many problems》PPT,第四部分內容:Language points

1. Burning gas, oil, coal creates air pollution.燃燒氣體、石油和煤都會造成空氣污染。

create v. 造成,創造

creative adj. 創造性的

creation n. 創造;創造物

2. In the fields, farmers use too many chemicals which destroy the soil.


3. Too much noise can cause high blood pressure as well.噪音太大也可能導致高血壓。

high blood pressure 高血壓

as well 也, 還

e.g. We’re going to the party tonight.

Why don’t you come along as well?

《Pollution has caused too many problems》PPT,第五部分內容:Project

Making a Wall Newspaper About Pollution

1. Collect some pictures about pollution.

2. What kind of pollution does each picture show? Work in groups and discuss its bad effects.

3. Make a wall newspaper about different kinds of pollution and the harm caused by them.

《Pollution has caused too many problems》PPT,第六部分內容:Exercises


1. 如今,很多人患有高血壓。

Nowadays, many people have _____ ______ ________.

2. 動物可以在許多方面幫助人們。

Animals can help people ____ ____ ______.

3. 麥克會打籃球,他跑步也很快。

Mike can play basketball. He runs fast ____ ______.

4. 隨著工業的發展,污染越來越嚴重。

___ ____ ____________ ___ industry, pollution has become _____ _____ _____ serious.


( ) 1. Linda has many hobbies, ________ listening to music, collecting coins, going cycling and so on.

A. for example B. including

C. about D. and

( ) 2. There is ______ pollution in the world. We must stop it.

A. much too B. too much

C. many D. too many

( ) 3. _______ the increase in population, food has become a serious problem.

A. And B. By

C. To D. With

( )4._____ the environment is important for human beings.

A. Take care of B. Took care of

C. Taking care of D. Take the care of

《Pollution has caused too many problems》PPT,第七部分內容:summary

We learn:

1. Some words:

coal, create, blood, planet

2. Some phrases:

in many ways, high blood pressure, as well

3. Some sentences:

With the increase in population and the

development of industry, litter is everywhere.

We can:

1. Make a wall newspaper in English.

2. Tell the differences between Simple Past and Present perfect.

I went there two years ago.

I have been like this since last week.

《Pollution has caused too many problems》PPT,第八部分內容:Homework

1. Read 1a.

2. Make a wall newspaper about pollution.

3. Finish Section D in your workbook.

4. Preview Section A in Topic 2.

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更新時間: 2024-09-22

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《Pollution has caused too many problems》SectionD PPT