《Baseball Season》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT課程下載

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《Baseball Season》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT課程下載

第一部分內容:Learning targets

Key words & phrases:

baseball, snack, pop, if, ever, root, shame,

play against, take … out, get back

Key sentences:

1. On weekends,we will often play against other teams.

2. My family and friends will come and watch me play.

3. If they don't win, it's a shame.

Baseball SeasonPPT,第二部內容:Lead in

Free Talk

Do you know baseball?

Can you tell something about it?

About baseball

A baseball is a ball used in the sport of the

same name, baseball.

Baseball SeasonPPT,第三部分內容:Words and expressions

baseball n. 棒球

snack n.點心;小吃

pop n. 汽水

If conj.如果;假若

ever adv.曾經;究竟;到底

root n.& v. 加油

shame n. 羞愧;慚愧

Baseball SeasonPPT,第四部分內容:Presentation

Read the lesson and complete the task.

Hello! My name is Greg.This summer I am going to play baseball for the Tigers. “Tigers” is the name of my team. Baseball is my favourite sport. My team and I will usually practice in the morning. And some evenwe we ” play just for fun. On weekends,we will often play against other teams.

My family and friends will come and watch me play. They'll all sing“Take Me Out to the Ball Game” and they'll buy snacks and pop at the game. Baseball is a fun sport for everyone. I love ballbase season!

I can sing!

Take me out to the ball game. 帶我去看棒球賽。

Take me out to the fair!帶我去市集!

Buy me some hot dogs and lots of snacks. 買一些熱狗和許多零食給我。

I don't care if I ever get back,我不在乎我是否回來,

For it's root toot toot for the home team. 因為這是給主場隊的打氣聲。

If they don't win,it's a shame,如果他們沒有贏,這是一種恥辱,

For it's one,two,three and you're out,一振,二振,你們三振出局

At the old ball game!在這熟悉的球賽裡!

Baseball SeasonPPT,第五部分內容:Let’s Do It!

1. Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. What is Greg going to do this summer?

He is going to play baseball for the Tigers this summer.

2. What’s the “Tigers”?

“Tigers” is the name of my team.

3. What’s Greg’s favourite sport?

Baseball is his favourite sport.

4. When will Greg’s team practice and when will they play against other teams?

His team will usually practice in the morning.

On weekends, they will often play against other teams.

5. Who will come and watch Greg play?

His family and friends will come and watch him play.

Baseball SeasonPPT,第六部分內容:Language points

1. On weekends,we will often play against other teams.

play against... 意思是「與…打對抗賽」。其中,


例:What team did you play against in the final match?在決賽當中你們隊和哪個隊進行比賽?

We're playing against that team next week.下週我們要和那個隊打比賽。

2. My family and friends will come and watch me play.

watch 作及物動詞時,意為「觀看;注視,注意」。

常用搭配:watch sb. do sth. 意為“觀看某人做某事”,並強調看見整個過程。例:He often watches her daughter dance. 他常常看他女兒跳舞。

【拓展】watch sb. doing sth. 意為“看見某人正在做某事”,強調看見某個動作正在進行。

例:I watched a girl dancing in the park. 我看到一個女孩正在公園裡跳舞。

Baseball SeasonPPT,第七篇:Exercises


1. My favourite sport is _________(棒球).

2. Do you like to eat ________ (小吃) at home?

3. I won’t go to the park ________(如果) it rains.

4. It’s a great _______ (羞愧) for me not to win the game.

5. Have you _______ (曾經) read this storybook?


1. Job played basketball ______ the Tigers last year.

A. on B. for C. with D. of

2. My uncle will come to see me if he _____ free this Sunday.

A. be B. will be C. is D. was

3. I don't think that they will fail. But it's OK if you______ with me.

A. disagree B. disagrees C. not disagree

Baseball SeasonPPT,第八部分內容:Summary

1. We learnt some new words and phrases:

baseball, snack, pop, if, ever, root, shame, play against, take… out, root for…, get back

2. Sentences:

(1) ARG takes care of pets without a home.

(2) Sometimes,people move away and they can't take their pets with them.

(3) His family left him alone in a field.

Baseball SeasonPPT,第九部分內容:Homework

1.Review and recite the important points of Lesson 45.

2.Try to find out more information about Baseball and then talk with your partners.

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更新時間: 2024-10-16

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