《Cultural Heritage》Period One PPT

《Cultural Heritage》Period One PPT
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《Cultural Heritage》Period One PPT

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《Cultural Heritage》Period One PPT


As we all know,there are a large number of cultural relics all over the world.Nowadays,more and more people are interested in the topic about how to protect cultural relics.Cultural relics also have begun to how to protect cultural relics.Cultural relics also have begun to be a day topic in relics. the balance between developing the nation and keeping traditional culture.This can be seen in the public's hope to rebuild places of interest.This can be seen in Beijing as traditional courtyards are remot way for mall way for moo​​ly way are remot way are re and are able to move around freely in China,they want to protect the relics of their cultural past.

People now wish to protect traditional architecture (建築物) like old city walls instead of knocking them down.Some even wish to rebuild those that have been torn down.The Chinese people show their interest in the folkions new the will be helpful to educate people to protect some cultural relics1.In addition2,Chinese culture is also spreading (傳播) in many foreign countries.Chinese studies abroad have increased a great deal as China playal as un​​yyal interun​​ysh playal as China playal unmic respeat playal as 非常peat playal as in Chinese relics abroad is also high because so many foreigners come to appreciate Chinese culture every year.


1.I am delighted to inform you that this year’s music festival will be held shortly.(2019·全國Ⅲ,書面表達)

2.We feel at ease in our school uniforms every day.In addition,the traditional Chinese dress can’t reflect the unique culture of our school.(2019·江蘇,書面表達)

Cultural Heritage PPT,第二部分內容:PART 1 讀前清障



1.creative  A.申請(表);用途;運用;應用(程序)

2.balance B.保護;保存;維持;保護區

3.preserve C.促進;提升;推銷;晉級

4.promote D.平衡;均勻;使平衡

5.application E.創造性的;有創造力的;有創意的


6.proposal A.阻止;阻礙;阻撓

7.protest B.限度;限制;限定

8.establish C.抗議;(公開)反對

9.limit D.建立;創立

10.prevent E.提議;建議

Cultural Heritage PPT,第三部分內容:PART 2 語篇理解

Step 1 Fast-reading

1.What’s the main idea of​​ the passage?

A.Egypt built a dam to benefit the local people.

B.We can combine making progress with preserving cultural relics by working together.

C.How did the Aswan Dam come into being?

D.Any problem can be solved by working together.

2.Match each paragraph with its topic sentence.

Para.1  A.The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today.

Para.2  B.When the project ended in 1980,it was considered a great success.

Para.3  C.How were the cultural relics protected?

Para.4  D.A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.

Para.5  E.Big challenges,however,can sometimes lead to great solutions.

Para.6  F.Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.

Step 2 Careful-reading

Ⅰ.Judge whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F).

1.The old must go hand in hand with the new.( )

2.It is important to balance progress and the protection of cultural sites.( )

3.At first,the proposal to build a dam across the Nile was objected by the Egyptians.( )

4.The work of building the Aswan Dam began in 1950.( )

5.Many new temples completely replaced the old ones during the building of the dam.( )

6.The dam was completed through cooperation among countries.( )

Ⅱ.Choose the best answer.

1.Which word can replace the underlined one in the sentence “it is not possible to preserve everything from our past”?

A.Reserve. B.Deserve.

C.Protect. D.Protest.

2.Which is not the purpose of building the dam?

A.To take control of floods.

B.To generate electricity.

C.To supply water to farmers.

D.To create a scenic spot.

3.What did the experts not do after the committee was established?

A.To investigate the issue.

B.To compromise with the local people.

C.To carry out several tests.

D.To make a suggestion for how to save the buildings.

4.How were the temples saved?

A.By rebuilding them in a new place using the original materials.

B.By destroying and rebuilding them.

C.By moving them to a new place without changing them.

D.By building new temples to replace the old ones.

5.Which of the following statements is WRONG?

A.It took about 20 years to build the dam.

B.UNESCO is an organization which runs a programme to prevent world cultural heritage sites from disappearing.

C.Through international cooperation,we can solve any challenge difficult for a single nation.

D.From this passage we can see it is difficult to balance between development and protection of cultural sites.

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更新時間: 2024-10-04

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《Cultural Heritage》Period One PPT