《Language in use》Animals in danger PPT課件2

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《Language in use》Animals in danger PPT課件2

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《Language in use》Animals in danger PPT課件2

Revision Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

research feed reason situation

symbol nature southwest

1. He has to work hard to ______ his family.

2. These scientists are doing ________on the serious illness.

3. Can you tell me the ______ why you are always late for school?

4. His healthy ______ 是 getting better and better.

5. These animals are living happily in the ______ reserve.

6. Tibet is in ________ of China.

7. A pigeon(鴿子) is a _______ of peace.

Find out the following sentences in Unit 1 and Unit 2.

1.They allow the pandas to live in the wild.

2.We all need to help animals live in peace.

3.We’d like everyone to have the experience of seeing pandas in the wild.

4.In order to protect pandas in the wild, the government is creating nature parks.

5.The WWF is working hard to save them all.

1. 動詞不定式做受詞補足語


1)帶to的動詞不定詞作賓語補足語的動詞主要有:要求允許提議(ask, allow, advise),期望邀請鼓勵(expect, invite, encourage),教導告訴想要(teach, tell, want) ,等待希望願意(wait for, wish, would like / love)。如:

I’d invite her to have dinner at my house.

We should allow the children to choose their own clothes.


在主動句裡,動詞不定詞在使役動詞(make, let, have)或感官動詞(feel, listen to, hear, look at, see, watch, notice)之後作賓補時,不定式需省去to 。包括四「看」:look at, observe, see, watch,三「讓」:have, let, make,二「聽」:hear, listen to,一「感覺」:feel,一「注意」:notice。如:

I felt someone open my door.


Please listen to me sing the song again.


You can’t let the boy stand in the sun.


You must watch me carefully do everything.




I heard her sing.


I heard her singing.


2. 動詞不定詞做目的狀語


In order to catch the early bus, she got up very early.

A group of young people got together to discuss this question.

She came to this city to visit her daughter.

3. 不定詞做原因狀語和結果狀語

1)原因狀語,多見於「sb.+be+adj.+to do...」結構句。如:

I feel very lucky to have him.

He ran out of money to buy old bikes.

2)結果狀語,多見於“too...to”,“enough to...”結構句中。如:

I’m too tired to do it well.

The room is big enough for three people to live in.

1. I told Bob _____ the TV since it was too late. (2001陝西)

A. turn off B. turns off

C. turning off D. to turn off

2. My parents asked me _____ home earlier yesterday. (2000北京朝陽區)

A. get B. getting

C. to get D. got

3. The greedy inn-keeper once made the poor heroin ______ twice a day. (2001上海)

A. dance B. dances

C. danced D. to dance

4. --- Is Wei Fang good at singing?

--- Yes, she is. We often hear her _____ in the next room. (2001蘇州)

A. to sing B. sings

C. sing D. singing

Listen and complete the poster.

Wildlife Club

1. We started this club because we want to _________.

2. We started this club in order to ________.

3. We would like more students to ___________.

4. We want to decide ____________.

5. We need to tell people about _________.

Read the email and choose the correct answer.

( ) 1. Sally is writing to her _______.

a) aunt b) teacher c) friend

( ) 2. Marwell Wildlife helps ________/

a) animals in danger b) scientists

c) visitors

( ) 3. Scientists do research about _____.

a) feeding animals

b) working with animals

c) protecting animals

Module task

Make a plan to set up a wildlife club.

What animals you’re going to help

When you’re going to meet

What you’re going to do

Where you’re going to meet


I. 用所給動詞的適當形式填空。

1. It is very interesting _______ (read) the story.

2. Now you need ________ (have) a good rest at home.

3. My father doesn’t want me ______ (play) with the naughty boy.

4. My sister works hard ______ (pay) for my education.

5. Stop _____ (have) supper. Supper is ready.

6. The boss makes the workers ______ (work) hard every day.

7. My English teacher tries _____ (help) me improve my English.

8. You’d better _____ (get) up early to catch the first bus.

II. 依每小題的要求完成句子。

1. he / happy / see/ his father (連詞成句)

He is happy to see his father.

2. they wrote the letter me the news (把to tell放在句中正確的位置)

They wrote the letter to tell me the news.

3. Most animals are in danger because people kill them for meat.(就畫線部分提問)

Why are most animals in danger?

4. Pandas are in danger.(就畫線部分提問)

What are in danger?


Design a poster about an animal to wildlife club.

Its name is

It comes from …

It lives …

It eats …

Its favourite activity …

It’s in danger because …

關鍵字:《Language in use》教學課件,外研版八年級上冊英語課件,八年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《Language in use》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

更多關於《 animals_in_dangerLanguage_in_use 》PPT課件, 請點選 animals_in_dangerpptLanguage_in_useppt標籤。

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更新時間: 2024-10-20

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《Language in use》Animals in danger PPT課件2