《Language in use》Education PPT課件

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《Language in use》Education PPT課件

Lead in

Are you able to read through the sentences?

1. Did you do anything interesting?

2. Did you visit her school?

3. She took me there herself.

4. It isn’t as big as ours.

5. There are a few science laboratories.


代名詞是用來代替名詞的詞。它是英語文法結構中的一個重要項目, 也是中考測驗的重點內容之一。縱觀歷年中考試題, 出現頻率最高的是不定代名詞,其次是it用法、疑問代名詞、反身代名詞以及人稱代名詞等。


主格: I, you, she, he, it,we, you, they

賓格: me, you, her, him, it, us, you, them


this, these, that, those


形容詞性: my, your, her, his, its, our, your, their

名詞性: mine, yours, hers, his, its, ours, yours, theirs


myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves


what, which, who, whom, whose


some, any, both, either, neither, all, none, each, every, many, much, few, a few, little, a little, other, another, one, nobody, somebody, anybody, everyone, everything, something, anything, nothing

1) some和any

a. some和any 是單數還是複數, 要看其所代替的是什麼。 some和any 都既可以指人, 也可以指物, 可以表示可數的事物和人, 也可以表示不可數的概念。例如: some (any) books, some (any) money, some people, some water

b. 作為代名詞, 它們在句中可以作主詞和受詞。例如:

There are many people in the park. Some are dancing; others are playing Taijiquan.

c. some 用於肯定句中, 而any 用於疑問句、否定句和條件句。

—I am thirsty. Can you give me some water?

—Sorry, I don’t have any. If I have any, I will give you some.

但在徵求對方意見,並希望得到肯定答案時,要用 some

Eg: Would you like some tea ?

Can I have some bread ?

2) none和neither

a. none和neither 都表示否定的意思, 兩者的區別在於, neither 用於兩者, 而none 用於兩者以上。例如:Yes, I saw two boys at the door, but neither (of them) is my brother. None (of the students) in my class wants to take part in this trip.

b. none 除指可數的人和物外, 還可以表示不可數的東西, 可以指與one, two, three一樣的數字概念。例如:

I have a lot of money in my bag, but none is mine.

—How many postcards have you sent?


3) (a) little和(a) few

a. a little和a few 表示肯定的概念, 而little和few 卻表示否定的概念。

b. (a) little 用於不可數名詞, 而(a) few 用於可數名詞。例如:

—Do you have any water?

—Yes, but only a little.

—Sorry, I have little myself. I can’t give you any.

He has many friends, but few are true friends/ but only a few are true friends.

1. There is ____ water left in the bottle. Would you go and get some?

A. little B. a little C. few

2. We had ____ people this year than we had last year.

A. little B. less C. fewer

3. You don’t like the same colours and I don’t like them, ____.

A. too B. also C. either

4. I asked Kate and Mary to come for a talk, but ____ of them came.

A. both B. either C. neither

5. Hello, John! Come here, please. I have ____ to tell you.

A. important something

B. something important

C. important anything

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

he her him himself his our

ourselves she their themselves

they us we

1. Mr. Lee’s class put all _____ things away at the end of the lesson. _____ know that _____ have to tidy up the classroom ________. They don’t wait for others to do it.

2. John has a lot of homework tonight. _____ isn’t able to do it ______ so I’m going to help ______ with it. I don’t think _______ teacher knows how difficult it is.

3. Grandfather: Jane is doing a project about family history. _____ has asked us to give _____ some photos of ________ when we were young. Have ____ got any?

Grandmother: Yes, there is a photo of _____ with all the other children, in ____ school.


1. Ask students to do the rest activities in the Workbook.

2. Use your notes to write a leaflet.

3. Ask students to summarize what they have learnt in this module and preview the next.

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更新時間: 2024-10-07

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《Language in use》Education PPT課件