《Language in use》Rules and suggestions PPT課件2

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《Language in use》Rules and suggestions PPT課件2

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《Language in use》Rules and suggestions PPT課件2

Revision and summary


Will / Would / Could you...?

Will / Would you please...?

Would you mind doing..?

Do you mind doing...?

I wonder if you can ...

② 建議與邀請

Would you like / love to...?

Shall we...?

What do you think of...?

What / How about...?

How do you like...?

You’d better (not) do....

Why don’t you...?

Why not do ...?

③ 表示「命令、禁止、不得不」常用must, mustn’t, have to。


常用needn’t, don’t have to或句型:

It isn’t necessary to do sth.

There is no necessity to do sth.

Read the list of rules and write sentences using must, mustn’t, should or shouldn’t.

London Indoor Climbing Centre

Visitors please note:


Check in at the main gate when you come to the centre.

climb with someone

wear a hard hat at all times

wear the correct climbing shoes

Wear comfortable clothes.


Don’t climb without a rope.

Don’t eat or drink anywhere except in the restaurant.

Don’t listen to personal music players while climbing

Don’t talk on a mobile phone while climbing

Work in pairs. Explain why the rules in Activity 2 are important.

Why must you check in when you come to the centre?

Because they want to know who is there.

① Why must you climb someone?

② Why must you wear comfortable clothes?

③ Why mustn’t you climb without a rope?

④ Why shouldn’t you listen to music while climbing?

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

although keep stream tourist worry

People are very (1) ______ about the conditions of the ancient forests of Canada and want to save them. Many visitors to the forests use knives to cut their names into the trees --- some of which are hundreds of years old. (2 ) _______ there are litter bins, people still throw rubbish into the (3) ______ and this causes plants and fish to die.

People from the local villages have helped clean up the forests we hope (4) _______will play their part in (5) _______ Canada’s forests clean too!

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

gun smooth sticks stone sudden tent whenever

1 Come and visit me ________ you have time.

2 The wall is made of _________.

3 The path to the top is not very_________.

4 Remember to take a _______ with you to sleep in, because it might rain.

5 He lifted up the _______ and pointed it at the bear.

6. There was a _______ noise in the woods and we all stopped moving.

7 Birds use small _______ and leaves to make a home.

Read the passage on Page 32 and answer the questions.

① What does Zhang Wenpeng try to say with his drawing ?

He tries to say that people must wake up to the fact that pollution is causing damage to the progress we’ve made with his drawing.

② What does Zhou Zhiyun try to say with his painting ?

He was trying to say that people mustn’t waste electricity.

③ What does the school suggest the students should do?

The school suggests that the students should pass on what they have learnt in school to their parents and neighbouts.

④ How can a school become a “green school”?

A school can become a “green school” by including education about the environment as part of the timetable.



can may have to can’t must mustn’t should

1. Don’t you see the sign? Silence. You______talk.

2. It is noisy. I ________hear you.

3. You _____use the computer if you like.

4. Lucy’s parents are proud of her. She ______ speak four languages.

5.You __________ pay him for the newspaper.

6.I ________ go now. Thank you for your dinner.

7.It’s raining heavily outside. He ______stay home watching TV.

二 、用所給詞的正確形式填空。

1.I _______ (fly) to Hangzhou tomorrow.

2.When I got to the station, the bus ________ (leave) already.

3. I _______(know) the fact just two days ago.

4. She said she _______(visit) me the next day.

5. Mr. Lin _______(lose) two bikes by now.

6. --- I phoned you at 8:30 last night, but nobody answered the phone.

--- At that time I _______(see) a film in the cinema.

7. Jone can’t go out to play with you .She ________(help) her mum clean the house.

8. My boss is a busy man .He _______(work) more than 12 hours a day.

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更新時間: 2024-07-04

本模板屬於 英語課件 外研版九年級英文下冊 行業PPT模板

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