《Will computers be used more than books in the future?》Great inventions PPT課件2

《Will computers be used more than books in the future?》Great inventions PPT課件2
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《Will computers be used more than books in the future?》Great inventions PPT課件2

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《Will computers be used more than books in the future?》Great inventions PPT課件2

Who invented it?

It was invented by Americans.

When was it invented?

It was invented in 1946.

How long has it been used?

It has been used for more than 60 years.

Do you mainly use it to study?

Words review

borrow v. 借人;借來

put up 張貼;公佈

website n. 網站

mail n. 郵件;信件

textbook n. 教科書;課本

mainly adv. 大部分地;主要地

memory n. 記憶體;儲存量

full adj. 滿的;充滿的

fix v. 修補;救

instructions n. [複數]說明書

lend v.(把某物)接觸;借給(某人)

properly adj. 合適地;正確地


1.To listen and understand the conversation about inventions

2.To learn some key words and useful expressions

3.To talk about how inventions have changed people’s lives


borrow mainly page electronic

lend powerful full fix instructions properly


put up thousands of lend sth. to sb.


They’ll be put up on the school website.

Will computers be used more than books in the future?

Email has great influence on my life.

1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. How have these inventions changed people’s lives?

2. Which one do you think is the most important?

3. What other important inventions can you think of?

2. Listen and complete the sentences.

1. Lingling loves her mobile phone because she can _________.

2. All of Daming’s friends’ numbers are ________ in his phone.

3. Today’s cameras are better than old cameras because they do not _______ and the photos can _______ .

4. Lingling thinks everything ________ by computers to some degree, so the computer is _________ invention

Answer the questions.

electronic fix instruction invention

lend mail page website

possible answers:

1.If my memory card is full, I will copy some pictures to my computer.

2.I need to read the instructions before I use a new machine or I meet some problems.

3.I send messages by mail every day.

4.This book has 162 頁.

5.I often go to www.yahoo.com when I get online.

6.Camera is an example of electronic technology.

7.They should take good care of it before they give it back to me.

8.I think fire is the most important invention in human history.

Language points

1. They’ll be put up on the school website.


put up的意思是「張貼;公佈;掛起」。例如:

You can put up the notice on the noticeboard.


We’ve put up some new curtains in the living room.


2. Some were huge ones with thousands of pages.


thousands of 後接可數名詞的複數形式,表示不確定的數字,意為“成千上萬的;數以千計的”,不能和數詞連用。例如:

Thousands of people lost their homes in the Ya’an earthquake.


3. If you have to lend it to anyone, tell them to use it properly.


lend作動詞,意為“借給”,強調“借出”。常用短語lend sb. sth.相當於lend sth. to sb.,意為「把某物借給某人」。

Pronunciation and speaking


(1)短句 (2) 名詞片語 (3) 介詞/不定詞/分詞片語 (4) 動詞片語 (5) 主謂結構

(6)動賓結構 (7) 系表結構 (8) 動狀結構 (9)主句-從句。

Listen and mark the pauses.

1. They’ll be put up on the school website. And they can be seen on the Internet by other classes, even people living in other countries.

2. You must promise that you’ll take good care of it.



1. put up

2. thousands of

3. get information on the Internet

4. They’ll be put up on the school website.

5. Will computers be used more than books in the future?

Ⅰ. 選出適當的介詞完成句子。

1. We were ______ a visit to the Science

Museum then.

2. Alice agreed to lend her bike _______ me just now.

3. We can get lots of information _______ the Internet.

4. She wanted to borrow some money ______ me.

Ⅱ. 用方格中合適字的正確形式填空。

powerful properly mainly mail full

1. The theatre is ______. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the next show.

2. The President is the most _______ man in the country.

3. Make sure the job is done _______.

4. Her illness was caused _______ by worry and stress.

5. Did you get any _______ this morning?


1. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.

2. Search on the Internet and make a list of the advantages of books and the Internet.

關鍵字:《Will computers be used more than books in the future?》教學課件,外研版九年級上冊英語課件,九年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《Will computers be used more than books in the future?》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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《Will computers be used more than books in the future?》Great inventions PPT課件3 Words review borrow v. 借人;借來 put up 張貼;公佈 website n. 網站 mail n. 郵件;信件 ..

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更新時間: 2024-10-05

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《Will computers be used more than books in the future?》Great inventions PPT課件2