《Language in use》Photos PPT課件

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《Language in use》Photos PPT課件

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《Language in use》Photos PPT課件

Language practice

He’s the boy who won the photo competition last year!

The photo which we liked best in the City and People group was taken by Zhao Min.

A group of photos which show Beijing and Cambridge in England have won the prize.

Complete the poster for the photo competition. Use that, which or who.

There may be more than one answer.

Photo competition

Send us your photos and win a new camera!

We need photos _________ show daily life at school.

Your photos should record interesting things _________ happen at school, inside the classroom or outside.

The photos ________ you take should be active, beautiful and true.

The photos _________ you send should include some words about them.

The size of the photos _________ you take should be 9cm×13cm.

Learning to learn

In many English-speaking countries, two systems of measurement are used: imperial (inch, foot, yard, mile, pound) and metric (millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre, kilogram). You also need to recoformise thein short , ft, yd, ml, lb; mm, cm, m, km, kg).


在複合句中修飾名詞或代名詞的子句叫做定語子句。被定語子句修飾的名詞或代名詞叫做先行詞。定語子句必須放在先行詞之後。引導子句的關係代名詞有who(人-主格), whom(人-賓客), whose(人-所有格), which(物), that(人/物)。

引導子句的關係副詞有where(地點), when(時間), why(原因)。


a. 主謂關係�

He asked the man (作子句主詞) who/that was smoking.

b. 動賓關係�

The noodles (作子句賓語) that/which I cooked were delicious.

which 引導的定語子句

which 引導的定語子句修飾的是無生命物體, which 在子句中可以作主詞, 也可以作賓語。


a. 關係代名詞前有介係詞。

This is the house in which we lived last year.

b. 先行詞本身就是that。

The clock is that which I bought yesterday.

c. 非限制性定語子句。

His English, which used to be very poor, is now excellent.


1.“What do you think of the school uniforms?”

“Very good. I like clothes ______ make me feel comfortable.” 【2012貴州貴陽】

A. that B. what C. who


考查定語子句引導詞的用法。定語子句的先行詞clothes是「物」, 所以, 定語子句的引導詞用which或that引導。根據句意:你覺得校服怎麼樣呀? 很好, 我喜歡讓我穿著舒服的衣服。

2. It’s interesting that there are many people ____ speak French in Canada. 【2012四川成都】

A. which B. where C. who

3. I can never forget the stories ______my grandma told me. 【2012綿陽市】

A. what B. who

C. them D. that


Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.

1.I like the writer who _______________________.

2. I would like to visit a place that _____________________.

3. I go to a school which _______________________________.

4. My favourite band is the one that ___________________.

5. I have never seen a doctor who _____________________.

6. I want to take a photo which ________________________.

7. Our teacher is the man who _________________________.

Listen and complete the sentences.

1. The first successful photo was produced in _________.

2. Because it took a long time to take a photo, people in early photos did not _______.

3. The first photographers needed to know how to _________ and _______ them.

4. Kodak introduced a camera that could be used by everyone in ______.

5. Kodak’s camera was _______ and ______ than any of the earlier cameras.

6. Cameras with computer technology were introduced in _________.

Work in groups

Talk about your photo. Use the passage or story you have written in Activity 8 to help you.

Show the group your photo. Tell them why you like it, and why it is important to you.

Answer questions your group may have.

Listen to the other members of your group talk about their photos.

Show your photos from the group to the whole class and talk about them.


Choose your favourite photos and give a brief introduction.

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更新時間: 2024-09-03

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《Language in use》Photos PPT課件