《If you tell him the truth now you will show that you are honest》Problems PPT課件

《If you tell him the truth now you will show that you are honest》Problems PPT課件
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《If you tell him the truth now you will show that you are honest》Problems PPT課件

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《If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest》Problems PPT課件

Warming up

Do you know who he is?

Do you know why his nose became long?

Are you honest to your family?

Are you honest to your friends?

Will you make more friends if you are honest to them?


reason n. 原因;理由

angry adj. 憤怒的;生氣的

repair n.修理;修補 v.修理;修補

truth n. 事實;真相

least pron. 最少;最小

honest adj. 誠實的;老實的

Reading and vocabulary

1 Look at the letter and the reply in Activity 2. decide where they come from.

a) A report.

b) A magazine.

c) A story.

d) A play.

2 Read the letter and the reply.

Choose the best summary of Steve’s problem.

a) Steve and his friend played a computer game on his father’s computer, though his father warned him not to do so. Steve’s father was really angry.

b) Steve’s friend cut some documents by mistake from Steve’s father’s computer. His father was very angry. Steve did not know how to repair it.

c) Steve and his friend played a computer game on his father’s computer. Some important documents were missing. His father was angry. Steve was worried about what to do.

Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. What did David take with him to Steve’s home last week?

A new computer game.

2. Where did they play the computer game?

On Steve’s dad’s computer.

3. Was Steve’s dad’s angry?

Yes, he was.

4. Why was Steve’s father really angry?

Because he could no longer find the documents that were very important.

Learning to learn

In English, some structures look similar, such as the“if”structure in this module and that in Module 5. Comparing similar structures and making notes can help you learn the structures better.

language points

1. Last week, my friend David came

round with a new computer game.

come round表示「拜訪(某人的家)」。

e.g. He usually comes round at the



2. The reason is that he thinks something will go wrong if I play games on it.


go wrong表示「出毛病,出故障;出錯」。

e.g. Is it the reason? 這是理由嗎?

His television has gone wrong again.


3. While my dad was out, we decided to

try out David’s game.

try out表示「試用,試」。

e.g. I want to try out the new car.



1. I must tidy up the room because my friend will come _____.

A. about B. to

C. at D. round

2. He is _____ a police after making a series of mistake.

A. not longer B. no longer

C. not any longer

3. If you come to school late, Mr. Li will be angry _____ you.

A. to B. of

C. with D. in

4. Please tell me the _____. I really want to know.

A. true B. truly C. truth


Work in pairs. Read each other’s problem letter. Suppose you are Diana and write a reply. Give your advice.

關鍵字:《If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest》教學課件,外研版九年級上冊英語課件,九年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest》PPT課件下載,.ppt格式

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《If you tell him the truth now you will show that you are honest》Problems PPT課件3 Words review come around 拜訪(某人的家) reason n. 原因;理由 try out 試試;試試 angry a..

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更新時間: 2024-10-05

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《If you tell him the truth now you will show that you are honest》Problems PPT課件