《We should learn teamwork》SectionC PPT

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《We should learn teamwork》SectionC PPT

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《We should learn teamwork》SectionC PPT

第一部分內容:Let's talk

Do you like playing basketball?

Is a basketball match exciting?

How many players are there in a basketball team?

Maybe there are five.

Who invented basketball, do you know?

What are the rules in basketball?

《We should learn teamwork》PPT,第二部內容:Class activities


We run for health and for fun.

Trying not to trip or fall.

We want to be number one.

As we throw and catch the ball.

Playing outside in the sun.

Basketball’s the best sport of all!

《We should learn teamwork》PPT,第三部分內容:Pair work

Ask and answer more questions:

Who invented basketball?

When did he invented basketball?

What are the rules in basketball?

How do you score in basketball?

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and other parts of the world. It is both an indoor and outdoor game.______________________________

Let's review

James Naismith was Canadian.

He invented basketball in 1891.

Basketball is an indoor and outdoor game.

We can play it even in bad weather.

《We should learn teamwork》PPT,第四部分內容:Read and understand the first sentence.

Then complete the second one with the correct form of each word or phrase in the box.

pass…to… century popular come into being all over

1. Basketball has a history of over one hundred years.

Basketball has a history of over a ______________.

2. A large number of people enjoyed basketball.

Basketball soon became very ______________.

3. In 1946 the National Basketball Association (NBA) was born.

In 1946 the National Basketball Association(NBA) __________________.

4. You can also pass a teammate the ball.

You can also ________ the ball ______ a teammate.

5. Basketball is becoming more and more popular around the world.

Basketball is becoming more and more popular __________ the world.

《We should learn teamwork》PPT,第五部分內容:Key points

1.Basketball is one of the most popular sports in …

one of + 可數名詞複數: “…之一”,該片語作主詞時,謂語動詞常用單數形式。

Eg: 我最喜歡的歌手之一是周筆暢。

________ my favorite singers ___ Zhou Bichang.

2. It was an indoor game so that students could play in bad weather.

so that: 目的是,為了。後面加句子。

Eg: 他們很早就起床是為了趕上早班車。

They get up early ________ they can catch the early bus.

3. The goal is to stop the other team from doing so.

stop … from doing sth. 意思是:阻止…做某事

Eg: 糟糕的天氣可能阻礙我們打籃球。

The bad weather may stop us from playing basketball.

4. It’s more important for you and other players to play as a team. 對你和你的隊友來說,團隊協作更重要。

It’s + adj.+for sb.+to do sth. 意為:對某人做某事很…

《We should learn teamwork》PPT,第六部分:summary

We know: the history of basketball

We can:

talk something about basketball.


1. F_____ me please, I’ll show you the way.

2. Lily is 19 years old and she is studying in a c______.

3. My dear children, could you please put these apples into this _______(籃子)?

4. Please don’t ______(扔) your books on the floor.

5. Next year, Lin Tao will be in _______(俄羅斯).

6. Now we can play basketball ______(即使) in bad weather.

7. In this English test, I got 99. This is a high s_____.

8. James Naismith i________ an indoor game for his students.

《We should learn teamwork》PPT,第七部分內容:單一選擇

1. – Tomorrow I’ll go to Shanghai. Next month I’ll visit Hangzhou. Next year I’ll be in Korea.

– That’s a lot of ______.

A. traveled B. traveling C. travelings D. travels

2. – You look very strong. You must do exercise much.

– Yes, you’re right. I enjoy _____ sports.

A. to do B. do C. did D. doing

3. This book is very _____.

A. excited B. excites C. exciting D. interested

4. – I like running. What about you, Jane?

– I like it ______.

A. also B. as well C. as well as D. either

《We should learn teamwork》PPT,第八部分:Homework

1.熟讀1a 文章

2. 完成練習本Section C

3. 預習Section D

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更新時間: 2024-09-25

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