《Guess My Hero!》Great People PPT

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《Guess My Hero!》Great People PPT

第一部分內容:New Words

government/ˈgʌvənmənt/n. 政府


e.g. The government puts into place many reform to deal with pollution.

medical /ˈmedɪkl/

adj. 醫學的;醫療的

醫療團隊 medical team

拓展:medicine 藥物;醫學


n. 縱橫字謎

puzzle /ˈpʌzl/

n. 謎;智力遊戲

e.g. I did a lot of crossword puzzles yesterday.

Guess My Hero!PPT,第二部:Reading

Dear Danny,

This week in class, we talked about success. We studied famous people and talked about our heroes.

On Monday, Ms. Liu asked us to make crossword puzzles based on facts about our heroes. I thought it would be fun because I did a lot of crossword puzzles when I was in Canada.

But whom should my puzzle be about? I thought about it as I walked to and from school.

Then I had a great idea. My hero wouldn't be anybody famous. It would be somebody who I like very much.

I'm sending you the puzzle. So you can try to guess who it is.

Li Ming

Guess My Hero!PPT,第三部內容:Questions

Answer the questions.

(1) What did Ms. Liu ask the class to do?

To make crossword puzzles based on facts about their heroes.

(2) What did Danny think of Li Ming's puzzle?

He loved it.

(3) What did Li Ming say to help Jenny and Brain solve the puzzle?

He said the person's favourite food was donuts.

(4) How long did it take Jenny and Brain to solve the puzzle?

Five minutes.

Guess My Hero!PPT,第四篇內容:Language points

1. This week in class, we talked about success.

辨別:in class 在課上,在上課中

in the class 在班裡

e.g. We often discuss some interesting problems in class.

We usually play crossword puzzles in the class.

2. Ms. Liu asked us to make crossword puzzles based on

facts about our heroes.

短語:(be) base on 以......為基礎/根據

e.g. This movie is based on a real-life incident.

3. But whom should my puzzle be about?

whom 誰,疑問代名詞who的賓格


e.g. Who/Whom did you go there with?

4. My hero wouldn't be anybody famous.

anyboday 不定代名詞,任何人


e.g. There isn't anybody at the door.

There is somebody at the door.

Their is nobody at the door.

Guess My Hero!PPT,第五篇內容:Practice

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

whom anybody chemistry government medical

1. A: For ______ is this book written? B: It's written for young kids.

2. The __________ is making great efforts to help people live better.

3. I don't want to be ______ else. I just want to be myself.

4. Many ______ teams entered Wenchuan after the earthquake.

5. In ________ experiments, interesting things can happen.

Guess My Hero!PPT,第六篇:Extension

Talk show: My Hero

What's his/her name?

Is he/she tall?

What does he/she good at?

Why do you think he/she is your hero?

My Hero

My hero is Qian Xuesen. He is one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in my heart. He has the greatest intelligence in the world. When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the world, very. hard-working. Then he won many big prizes and had many famous discoveries. The most famous thing he did is the first Bomb and Rocket in China. Now, he is the person who make our country stronger and develoina injnot ynake make forget him.

Guess My Hero!PPT,第七篇:Practice

一、用所給單字的適當形式填空 。

1.We should learn from ____________(hero).

2.I would like_____________(help) her teach our English class.

3.She asked me ______________(make) an example of a crossword puzzle.

4.He never _____________(tell) me the story before.

5.The vegetables ______________(eat) up by the sheep just now.


( )1. -Can you tell me ______ you are waiting for? -Tom.

A. what B. whom C. him D. which

( )2. He gave the same love to his daughter ______ to his sons.

A. to B. with C. as D. that

( )3. It was time for class. Mr. King asked all the children ___________ down quietly.

A. sit B. sat C. to sit D. sitting

( )4. Is this the factory ______ he worked ten years ago?

A. the one B. that C. which D. where

( )5. ______ the help of my English teacher, I get an A at this term.

A. On B. In C. With D. at

Guess My Hero!PPT,第八篇內容:Summary


government, medical, crossword, puzzle, based, whom, anybody, chemistry

Phrase and sentences:

in class, based on, hope to do sth./hope that..., the same...as...

Guess My Hero!PPT,第九篇內容:Homework

Finish off the exercises in the lesson.

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更新時間: 2024-09-12

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