《Ringing Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT教學課件

《Ringing Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT教學課件
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《Ringing Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT教學課件

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《Ringing Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT教學課件

第一部分內容:Learning aims:

1. Master words and expressions: ring, ring up, What does…mean?

2. Learn to make a telephone call in English.

3. Know about the following culture.

Learning important points:

1. How to make a telephone call.

2. What does “ring up” mean in the U. K.?

3. How to make a telephone call?

Ring Up or Call?PPT,第二部內容:Think About It

What are some of the differences in spoken Chinese in different parts of China?

What are some of the differences in spoken English?

Listen and answer the questions.

1. What does “ Ring up ” mean in British English?

It means “Call somone on the phone”.

2. Why do Canadians use "eh" at the end of their sentences?

They describe the same thing in different ways or use different words.

There are also differences in pronunciation and grammar.

Ring Up or Call?PPT,第三部分內容:Let’s Do It!

Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct words.

A: Hello Tina! I don’t know how to (express/say/show)myself well. Any advice?

B: Sure. Why not talk with others in public? I think that might help.

A: I know, but sometimes it’s hard for me to (pronounce/spell/write) the words and sentences correctly. Instead, I need to (pronounce/spell/write) them, which makes me feel embarrassed.

B: Oh! That’s the problem. Then try to improve your spoken English first.

A:Good idea! I’ll (phone/ring up/ask for) my foreigh teacher to make a plan. Thanks!

Ring Up or Call?PPT,第四篇:Language points

1.We have been asked to write a report on Asia.要求我們寫一個關於亞洲的報告。

have been asked “被要求”,現在完成式的被動語態,由have/has +been +過去分詞構成。

2. Maybe I’ll ring him up tonight. 或許我今晚會打電話給他。

ring sb. up “打電話給某人”,也可以用 call sb.(up); make a telephone call to sb.

3. We say “in a team”, while you say “on a team”. 在隊裡我們說“in a team ”而你們說“on a team”.

while conj. 表示轉折或對比

In the evening I’m reading, while my mother is watching TV.晚上我在看書而我母親在看電視。

while conj. 當…時候

Please keep quiet while others are studying.別人學習的時,請保持安靜。

4. I remember asking my cousin to translate things for me when I first came to Canada.


remember doing … 記得做過某件事

remember to do… 記得去做某事(事情沒有做)

I remember locking the door.我記得已經上鎖了門

Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.離開教室時記得關燈。

類似的用法還有forget 、regret (遺憾)

Ring Up or Call?PPT,第五部分內容:Exercise

I. 用所給單字的適當形式填空。

1. Americans express some things a little

__________ (different) from Englishmen.

2. “BFN” ______ (mean) “Bye for now”.

3. Would you please ______ (open) the window for me?

4. The question is very difficult. I would like ______ (ask) my teacher.

5. Don’t worry! Mr. Black ___________________ (come) soon.

II. 單項選擇。

1. —What can I do for you, sir?

—I’d like to buy a book ______ food.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

2. Children’s Day is coming. I want to buy _____ gifts for my little son.

A. few B. little C. a few D. a little

3. —Hello, this is Jenny speaking. Is Jack in?

—Yes. ______, please.

A. Come on B. Hold on

C. Keep on D. Hold out

Ring Up or Call?PPT,第六部分內容:Homework

Listen and read the dialogue again.

Finish your activity book.

Make up a telephone dialogue and act it.

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更新時間: 2024-10-02

本模板屬於 英語課件 冀教版八年級下冊英語 行業PPT模板

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《Ringing Up or Call?》Know Our World PPT教學課件