《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT課件

《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT課件
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《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT課件

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《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT課件


Let’s enjoy some pictures

the Yellow River

the Yellow River in Lanzhou

the Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge

the Mother River Statue

A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第二部內容:Presentation

Learn some new words

group n. 群;團體;團體

The group wants to travel all over the world.

bridge n. 橋樑

This bridge is very beautiful.

cross v. 橫跨;橫穿

Please take care, when you cross the street.

wild adj. 寬的;廣泛的

The Yellow River is so wild.

cheese n. 乾酪;乳酪;

Would you like some cheese?

Everyone, say “Cheese!”

A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第三部分內容:Answer

1. How does the group visit to Lanzhou?

The group takes a train to Lanzhou.

2. How long is the Yellow River?

The Yellow River is about 5400 kilometres long.

3. Where does the group see the Mother River Statue?

Beside the Yellow River.

4. Where do the children take their picture?

They take a picture in front of the statue.

A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第四部分內容:Pair Work

Work in groups. Draw or create your own statue. Then present it to the class.

Task tips:

Where is the statue? Is the statue an animal, a person or a thing? Why is the statue special?


The Statue of Liberty is in New York.

It has the special meaning.

It is the symbol of a country — the United States of America.

A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第五部分內容:Language points

1. The group takes a train to Lanzhou.

group 如果 指涉「整體」看作單數形式;如果指涉「成員」則看作為複數。

e.g. The group_________to visit Beijing.

The group_________having a meeting.

2. Later, they go for a walk along the Yellow River.

go for a walk 散步

e.g. 咱們出去散步吧。

Let’s go for a walk.

3. It was the first bridge over the Yellow River.

① 在…上(指垂直的正上方)

e.g. There is a bridge over the river.

② “越過”

e.g. I can jump over the wall.

4. Can we take a picture in front of the statue, Ms. Martin?

take a picture / take pictures 照相

take a photo / take photos

A. in front of 在某事物外部的前面

B. in the front of 在某事物內部的前面

A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第六部分內容:Exercise

1. I often go to school ______.

A. by a bus B. by the bus

C. by bus D. by buses

2. — Will they ______ to Beijing?

— I don’t know.

A. take a bus B. by a bus

C. take bus D. by bus

3. There is a big tree ___ the classroom.

A. in front B. in the front of

C. at the front of D. in front of

4. The teacher let everyone ______ “cheese”.

A. to say B. to speak

C. say D. speak

5. A bridge is ___ the river.

A. on B. in C. over D. above

6. Mr. Wang came in _____ a book in his hand.

A. on B. hold C. with D. carry

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更新時間: 2024-10-17

本模板屬於 英語課件 冀教版七年級下冊英語 行業PPT模板

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《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT課件