《單元自我綜合評估》Body Parts and Feelings PPT

《單元自我綜合評估》Body Parts and Feelings PPT
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《單元自我綜合評估》Body Parts and Feelings PPT

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《單元自我綜合評估》Body Parts and Feelings PPT

Ⅰ. 單項填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)

1. Is she happy ________ sad now?

A. and B. but C. or D. then

2. I like ________.

A. blond long hair B. long blond hair

C. blond long hairs D. long blond hairs

3. How many ________ does a cow have?

A. stomachs B. stomaches

C. a stomach D. the stomach

4. I want to buy two ________ for myself.

A. pair of gloves B. pairs of gloves

C. pairs of glove D. pairs gloves

5. —________ is your sister?

—She is 1.5 metres tall.

A. How tall B. How old

C. How long D. How much

Ⅱ. 完形填空(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

Hello! My name is Lucy. I'm 1.53 metres __16__. I have long blond __17__ and blue eyes.

This __18__Wang Gang. He is from China.__19__ has short black hair and black eyes. We are __20__. There is a man over there. His __21__ is Mike. He is 1.73 metres tall. He is __22__. His hair is short and blond. Is he a teacher? __23__, he is a doctor. That __24__ is Jim. He sits in front of(在前面) Mike. Oh, his left __25__ hurts. Mike asks(讓) him to take some medicine and have a good rest.

16. A.short B. old C. tall D. new

17. A.hair B. nose C. mouth D. arms

18. A.are B. is C. am D. /

19. A.She B. He C. Her D. His

20. A.student B. students C. teacher D. boys

21. A.friend B. school C. name D. letter

22. A.sad B. long C. goodlooking D. big

23. A.No B. Yes C. Oh D. Hi

24. A.girl B. boy C. teacher D. doctor

25. A.hair B. eyes C. ears D. ear

Ⅲ. 閱讀理解(共10小題;每小題3分,滿分30分)


Do you know Doraemon? He is a lovely robot cat. His Chinese name is Ding Dang. He is 1.29 metres tall. His body is short and blue. His arms and legs are short. Look at his big round Look(圓的) head. He has a big pair of eyes. His mouth is very big, too. But his nose is small. He has no ears. His favourite food is dorayaki(銅鑼燒). He likes to help his friends.

26. Doraemon is ________.

A. a boy B. a girl

C. a robot lion D. a robot cat

27. What does Doraemon like to eat?

A. Dorayaki. B. Fish.

C. Apples. D. Ice cream.

28. Doraemon's body is ________.

A. tall and blue B. short and blue

C. tall and black D. short and black

Ⅳ. 任務型閱讀(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)

Everyone(人人) 有 a body. Every part of the body is useful(有用的). We see with our eyes. We eat with our mouths. We hear with our ears. We smell with our noses.

Is hair useful? Yes,it can keep(使) our heads warm in cold days like a hat. It can keep our heads cool in hot days like a hat,too.

We smell with our noses. The nose can clean and warm up the air(空氣) before the air goes into our bodies. And it can make us sing well.

We must look after our bodies to keep us healthy(健康的).

Ⅴ. 根據短文內容及首字母或所給詞提示完成短文 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

Hello, everyone. Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Mei. I'm 1.7 41. m________ tall. My eyes 42. ________(be) black. I 43. h________ long red hair. My favourite 44 . My favourite clothes are dresses. I feel happy every day 45. b______ I have many friends. They look different 46. ________they are very kind to me. Jenny 47. __​​______(have) brown hair. 488. . She is 1.65 metres 49. ________. Li Ming is my friend, too. He has short black hair. He is 1.7 metres tall. Danny looks 50. d________ others. He has the three hairs, and the throurare . is green.

Ⅵ. 連接詞成句(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)

51. has, Mary, red, hair, long

52. play, him, do, with, you, to, like

53. had, do, homework, now, you, better, your

54. long, is, this, two, ruler, metres

55. don't, dog, be, of, scared, the

Ⅶ. 書面表達(滿分15分)

假設你是Jenny,想找筆友。請根據下面的表格,發送一封介紹你自己的電子郵件。 60字左右。

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更新時間: 2024-07-07

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《單元自我綜合評估》Body Parts and Feelings PPT