《The world has changed for the better》SectionB PPT

《The world has changed for the better》SectionB PPT
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《The world has changed for the better》SectionB PPT

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《The world has changed for the better》SectionB PPT

第一部分內容:The world 有 changed for the better.

program n.節目

homeless people

manage v.完成,能解決

offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.

provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.

Listen to 1a and mark T(true) or F(False).

Maria and Jane are talking about a program in China . ( )

The program helps the homeless people in many ways . ( )

The program also trains those people in need to help them find jobs again . ( )

It is important to let homeless people feel good about themselves . ( )

The world has not changed people’s lives ( )

《The world has changed for the better》PPT,第二部內容:Read 1a and fill in the blanks .

There is a wonderful program that helps __________people in Canada. The program not only __________ enough food, ________________and homes for the homeless people, but also _______ them in order to help them________________again. Thanks to the program, the home.

Xiao Lin is not only the secretary of the Helpers' Club but also an excellent computer engineer. He's the son of a fisherman. His father died in 1992. Xiao Li joined the army in 2000,but he left the army left the army in 2000,but he left the army in 2002. Then in 2003, He came to Beijing. He joined the Helpers' club next year. He bought a house in 2005 and borrowed a car in 2012…

《The world has changed for the better》PPT,第三部分內容:Fill in the blanks.

1. His father ________ (die) in 1992.

His father ________________ (be dead) for many years.

2. He ________ (leave) the army because of a leg wound.

He ____________________ (be away from) the army for seven years because of a leg wound.

3. He ________ (come) to Beijing in 2003.

He ____________ (be in) Beijing since 2003.

4 He ________ (join) Helpers’ Club in 2004.

He __________ (be) a member of Helpers’Club since 2004.

5. He ________ (buy) a house in 2005.

He __________ (have) a house since 2005.

6. He __________ (borrow) the car in 2008.

He __________ (keep) the car for one year.

《The world has changed for the better》PPT,第四部分內容:Choose the best answer.

1. His? father? ______ the? Party? since? 1978.

A.? joined B.? has joined

C.? was D.? has? been? in

2. —How 長 have you? _____ here?

—About two months.

A.? been??B.? gone???C.? come D.? arrived

3. Hurry? up! The? play _____ for? ten? minutes.

A.? has? begun B.? had? begun

C.? has? been? on? D.? began

4. My? parents _____? Shandong? for? ten? years.

A.? have? been? to? B. have? been? in

C.? have? gone? to D. have? been

5. His uncle ______?for more than 9 years.

A. has come here B. has started to work

C. 有 lived there D. 有 left the university

《The world has changed for the better》PPT,第五部分內容:Summary

We learn:

1.Some words: program, homeless, manage, treatment,

training, immediately, secretary, helper,

club, engineer, wound

2. Some phrases:offer sb sth;

provide … with…

3. Some sentences :

(1) Well, once they find people in need, they decide on suitable ways to offer them help.

(2)The program also provides them with job training so that they can find jobs again.

We can:

1.Use the Present Perfect Tense with for and since and tell a story in different ways.

(1)His father died in 1992.

(2)His father has been dead for many years.

(3)His father has been dead since 1992.

2. Learn to help homeless people.

《The world has changed for the better》PPT,第六部分內容:Homework

1.Read 1a.

2.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today.

3.Finish Section B in your workbook.

4.Preview Section C.

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更新時間: 2024-07-31

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《The world has changed for the better》SectionB PPT