《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件12

《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件12
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《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件12

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《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件12

一、單項選擇 (20小題,共20分)

( ) 1. — Did you do well in English exam? (廣東省中考題)

— Yes, I got "A".

A. the, an B. an, the

C. a, 不填 D. the, a

( ) 2. — Can I use your bike for a while? (廣東省中考題)

—Yes. You may use bike. Tom's bike is here and I can use________.

A. my, mine B. mine, his

C. my, his D. her, hers

( ) 3. Doctor Li went to see the patient (病人) it was raining heavily. (2004 廣東省中考題)

A. because B. and C. but D. though

( ) 4. — I have your name, please?

—Yes, Smith. S-M-I-T-H. (2003 廣東省中考題)

A. Must B. May C. Will D. Need

( ) 5. He be at home because the light is on.

A. must B. could C. may D. can


Welcome 21 the zoo, everyone! Here is our tour plan. 22 carefully. First we will 23 the Children's zoo. After that, we will walk 24 the Bird World. Next is the African Area. There are elephants and lions Donions ! 25 afraid, because the cages are safe.

Then, we will have 26 lunch. 27 brought(帶)your lunch, right? Some of you don’t have drinks. There are many places 28 drinks.

After that, we will go to the Asian Area. At last, there is the Butterfly Park. It's across from the Snake Park. Then, we will come back here and get 29._____ the bus. Remember, don't feed the animals . OK, let's 30 !

( ) 21. A. to B. in C. from D. at

( ) 22. A. Listen B. Listen to C. Hear D. Hear of

( ) 23. A. sees B. look C. visit D. watch

( ) 24. A. at B. across C. in D. to

( ) 25. A. am B. is C. are D. be

( ) 26. A. a B. an C. the D. /

( ) 27. A. Everyone B. Nobody

C. Every one D. Any body

( ) 28. A. buy B. buys C. to buy D. buying

( ) 29. A. to B. on C. off D. for

( ) 30. A. have fun B. have some funs

C. have a fun D. has some funs

五、根據所給單字的中文意思或根據所給單字的適當形式完成句子。 (10小題,共10分)

46. Tony can sing, but he can’t ________ (游泳) well.

47. Tom often __________ (畫) animals at home.

48. There are some ________ (俱樂部) are in our school and we all like them.

49. Miss He ________ (講授) us math.

50. How many ________ (人) are there in Zhanjiang?

51. Jay Chou is a famous ________ (sing).

52. The girl likes music. She is a famous _______ (music).

53. I would like to join the _______ (swim) club.

54. These _____ (kid) are very lovely.

55. My brother can sing, so he wants ______ (join) the music club.

B. 書面表達(15分)


Musician Wanted For The Band “Fly”

Our band is called “Fly”. Now there are four people in our band, and we need another (另一個) boy. Do you like English songs? Can you dance? Can you play the guitar or the piano well? Can you play the drums? If you can, please write to Jack.

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《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件11:

《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件11 學 習 重 點 學 習 目 標 【學習重點】 閱讀有關文章並將目標語言、片語及句型運用到寫作中。 【學習目標】 學會寫一篇人們能做些什麼的文章。 ..

《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件10:

《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件10 學 習 重 點 字: people home center weekend musician make teach also today 片語: be good with make friends help(sb) with sth on the..

《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件9:

《Can you play the guitar?》PPT課件9 學 習 重 點 字: write talk show drum violin or 片語: talk to play the drums/piano/violin 句型: 1. Come and show us. 2. What can you..


更新時間: 2024-09-06

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