《Language in use》Life now and then PPT課件

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《Language in use》Life now and then PPT課件

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《Language in use》Life now and then PPT課件

Language practice

Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago?

The most important difference is that people are healthier today, and they live longer.

But people don’t take as much exercise as they did.

People walk or use their bikes less, and they’re lazier.

And that makes life more dangerous and less healthy.

I really want to do my best.

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words.

People live longer (long) and stay (1) ________ (healthy) today than they did 50 years ago. People are (2) ____ (tall) and (3) _______ (strong) because they have a (4) _____ (good ) diet. Athletes can run (5) _____ (fast), jump (6) ______ (high) and throw (7) ______ (far) than ever before. Playing sports is one of the (8) __________ (popular) leisure activities . People also work (9) ______ (hard) and lead (10) ______ (busy) lives. Big cities are (11) _________ (pleasant) places to live than before because they are (12) ______ (dirty) and (13 ) ___________ (crowded). They are also (14) __________ (dangerous). Traveling is (15) _____ (easy) than before, and air travel is the (16) __________ (comfortable) way to travel long distances.

Look at the two pictures and talk about how the town has changed. Use the word to help you.

big building busy houses

modern more narrow shops

streets tall tr​​affic trees

The sample answers

1. There are more cars in the street today than it was 50 years ago.

2. The buildings are much taller, much more beautiful and much newer.

3. The streets are much wider.

4. The environment is much better.

5. I can see people are much busier than before.

6. The life is much better than before.

7. There are more shops than before.

Read the passage on Page 23 and find three examples of things that made life harder in the past than it is today.

1. People lived in very small houses, very close to each other, with no space for children to play. Families in those days were quite big. A whole street had to share one outside toilet.

2. The pollution from factories covered the streets. People put their rubbish outside in the streets. As a result, there were many diseases.

3. Children didn’t always go to school, because they had to work. They did dangerous and unhealthy jobs for little money. Many were hurt in accidents from the machines.

Some difficult points:

1. be interested to do sth.

2. hear about/of 聽說

3. grow up 成長

4. thousands of 成千上萬的

5. half the population of the country

6. instead of 代替, 而不是

7. as a result 結果是

Read the text and write down the things which happened in the following years:

1) in 1870:

Thomas Barnardo opened his first homes for children without parents.

2) in 1905:

Thomas Barnardo died.

Fill in the blanks.

在 1870, Thomas Barnardo studied ________ and he lived near the ________. While he was studying, he taught at a school for ____ children. He found out that many children

at the school had no _______ and no ______, so he ______ money and ______ a house for them as a school and home.

Choose the best answer.

1. Thomas Barnardo opened his first home for children ____ in 1870.

A. with parents

B. without grandparents

C. without parents

2. He was then studying ___ in London in 1870.

A. teaching B. science C. transport D. medicine

3. He lived ____.

A. beside the hospital B. in the hospital C. far away from the hospital

4. He taught for ___ children at a school.

A. rich B. poor C. beautiful D. ugly

5. ___ raised money and bought a house to use a school and home for poor children.

A. Mr Ronardo B. Dr Barnardo

Module task

Organising a debate about life in the past.

1. Work in groups. Read the subject of the debate.

Children should never work.


extra money for the family

stop children from being bored

teach children the value of work

help children to become independent


Work is for adults, not children

Children need to concentrate on learning.

Conditions of work are not suitable for young people.

Families and employers may not treat children fairly.

2. Prepare your opinions for or against the subject of the debate.

3. Have a debate. Take turns to say what do you think and give your opinions for or against the subject.


1. _______ (million) of people will see that film.

2.He never ____ (get) angry.

3.He starts ________ (train) when he was very young.


1. Write a short passage comparing the life in the past and today.

2. Revise the usage of the positive degree, the comparative degree and the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs.

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更新時間: 2024-10-05

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《Language in use》Life now and then PPT課件