《Language in use》Eating together PPT課件

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《Language in use》Eating together PPT課件

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《Language in use》Eating together PPT課件

Free Talk

What are you supposed to do when you are invited to a party?

When should you arrive?

What should you wear?

Should you bring any present?

How to greet people?

Table Manners

You are supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.

You’re not supposed to eat with your hands.

You are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food.

The youngest person is not supposed to start eating first.

Mind your manners!

1. In India, you’re supposed to eat with your hands.

2. In China, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food.

3. In Korea, the youngest person is expected to start eating first.

4. In France, you’re supposed to put your bread on the table.

5. In China, it’s impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an empty bowl.

Listen again and choose the best answer.

① The person who went to Britain put his knife and fork on his plate because ______.

a) he finished his meal

b) he did not want to talk with knife and fork in his hand

c) he did not like the food

② The person who went to France offered everyone small dishes of food because ______.

a) she thought they were for everyone

b) she was not polite

c) she was not French

③ The person who had a Chinese meal drank from the finger bowl because _______.

a) it had lemon in it

b) she was hungry

c) she thought it was soup

Read the email and answer the questions.

1. What is Richard worried about?

He is worried about what he should and shouldn’t do as a guest in China.

2. How many courses are usual for a dinner in the West?


3. Why should Richard practise using chopsticks?

Richard should practise using chopsticks because he may find it difficult.

4. Why are the plates placed in the middle of the table in China?

The plates are placed in the middle of the table because they are for everyone to share.

5. Is it a good idea to talk about food during a meal in China? Why or why not?

Yes. It is a good idea to talk about the food in China because preparation has taken a long time.

Write Describe an eating experience.

Describe a special or unusual meal you have eaten.

Where and when you ate it

Who you were with

Why the meal was special

What happened during the meal

What happened at the end of the meal

What the nicest thing about the experience was

Sample An unforgettable eating experience

Yesterday evening, we went to the hotel buffet. We came to the second floor. The restaurant is like a palace. My parents found a table, then we couldn't wait to find some favo pood: roast duck, roastfish, tasty fish, tasty, roast , appetizing prawn, pizza, pancake ... I really didn't know which to pick. A steak fragrance came. I followed the fragrance, and picked up some steak. Roast duck was very delicious and I ate some. I also had steak. Roast duck was very delicious and I ate some. I also had steak. fries and fillet folder, and came down a bar of cool Sprite. We ate well enough. The hotel buffet was an unforgettable eating experience.

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更新時間: 2024-07-10

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《Language in use》Eating together PPT課件