《We have played football for a year now》Seeing the doctor PPT課件2

《We have played football for a year now》Seeing the doctor PPT課件2
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《We have played football for a year now》Seeing the doctor PPT課件2

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《We have played football for a year now》Seeing the doctor PPT課件2

What do you do to keep healthy?

more fruits 更多 exercise more water

good feeling less stress

It’s a good idea to…

You should…

You’d better…

Why not…

Don’t forget to…

Read the passage and answer the questions.

1、How does Anna get exercise every day?

2、Who was the first member of the girl’s 腳 team?

3、How is Wang Wei’s coach?

4、When did Thomas buy a bike?

5、Was Richard weak after a long illness?

Complete the notes.


1. She was not feeling very ______.

2. She needed more ________.

3. She got a pet _____ from her parents and she takes him for a _____ every day.

How long has she had her pet?

Wang Wei

4. She was the _______ member of the football team.

5. She has played football with the team for a ______ and all the members feel very _______.

How long has she played 腳?


6. He went to work on the ______ for several years.

7. He bought a _______ in January.

8. He arrives at work with a _______ on his face.

How long has he had his bike?

Complete the passage with the words in the box.

active awful condition daily member Perhaps

1. Tom runs six miles every morning, so he is in very good _______.

2. Jill is a very ______ girl and plays lots of sports.

3. I had a very bad headache yesterday, and I felt _______.

4. Ben is a(n) _______ of the school 腳 team.

5. You do not look very well._______ you should see a doctor.

6. I saw your grandfather taking his _____ walk this morning.

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures of Colin. Write notes and explain:

what the problem was eat junk food, too heavy, not very fit

what suggestions the doctor gave him

get some exercise and eat healthy food

what happened next do exercise

how Colin feels now

feel very well and happy

Possible answers:

1. I didn’t feel very well, I was too heavy and I ate too much fast food.

2. My doctor said I should get some exercise and eat healthy food.

3. I went exercising.

4. Now I feel very well and happy.

Write a passage about healthy living. Use the sentences you wrote in Activity 5 to help you.

Tips: You should write a complete passage.

There should be a topic and a conclusion in your passage.

Ⅰ. 用所給詞的正確形式填空。

perhaps awful sleepy weak pet

1. That beer made me quite ______.

2. The film was ______.

3. The illness had left her feeling tired and ______.

4. _______ the weather will change this evening.

5. They have many _____, including three cats.

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《We have played football for a year now》Seeing the doctor PPT課件:

《We have played football for a year now》Seeing the doctor PPT課件 How to keep healthy? Eat more healthy food Do more exercise good feeling drink water good rest Listen ..


更新時間: 2024-10-03

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《We have played football for a year now》Seeing the doctor PPT課件2