《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT教科書

《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT教科書
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《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT教科書

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《Is your food and drink healthy?》PPT教科書

Teaching aims:

1. To identify information on healthy food in reading

2. To write about healthy food and drink using conjunction but

Teaching contents:

1. Key vocabulary — healthy, bread, fish, ice cream, rice,

eat, child, children, egg, eye, cheese,

tired, soup, well, fat, or, breakfast,

every, lunch, home, dinner, banana

2. Key structures — What’s your favourite… ?

A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola is not heathy.

2-1. Think of six words for your favourite food and drink.

My favourite food and drink:

1._____ 2.______ 3.______

4._____ 5.______ 6.______

2-2 Think of six words for healthy food and drink. (Group work)

Healthy food and drink:

1._____ 2.______ 3.______

4._____ 5.______ 6.______

2-3 Think of six words for delicious food and drink. (Group work)

Delicious food and drink:

1._____ 2.______ 3.______

4._____ 5.______ 6.______

4. Complete the passage with the correct from of the words and expression from the box.

delicious fat important lots of meal remember stay sweet tooth (pl. teeth)

A healthy breakfast is (1)________ in the morning and it’s my favourite (2)______. There are (3)________ fruit and vegetables for lunch at school,

but there isn't any cola or candy. Candy and cola are (4)_______ food and drink and they're bad for your (5)______. At home my grandma's dinners are (6)_________ and we aren't (7 )_____. (8)___________! Eat well, and (9)______ healthy.

Now join the sentences with but.

1. Juice is a healthy drink. Cola isn’t a healthy drink.

Juice is a healthy drink but cola isn’t a healthy drink.

2. Noodles are healthy food. Hamburgers aren’t healthy food.

Noodles are healthy food but hamburgers aren’t healthy food.

3. Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food. Cola, ice cream and hamburgers aren’t healthy food and drink.

Meat, vegetables and fruit are healthy food but cola, ice cream and hamburgers aren’t healthy food and drink.

4. Chocolate is delicious. Too much chocolate isn’t good for you.

Chocolate is delicious but too much chocolate isn’t good for you.


1. 依中文提示完成句子。

1. You should eat more _______ (紅蘿蔔).

2. It’s important to _________ (記得) to eat well and stay healthy.

3. Please have lots of _________(美味) chicken soup!

4. He had some fish and _______ (麵條) for lunch.

5. Eating too much meat is not good for_________ (孩子).

6. I often eat some _____ (麵包), an egg and a cup of milk for breakfast.

7. If you are a bit ____ (累) , please have a rest.

8.His mother wants to buy some ________ (香蕉).

2-1 重點短語

1. be healthy 健康

2. a lot of = lots of 許多

3. too much 太多

4. be good for 對…有益

5. be bad for 對…有害

6. a bit 一點

7. It’s important to do sth. 去做某事很重要

8. stay healthy 保持健康

9. get fat 變肥

10. not…or… 不是…和…

11. at home 在家

12. for breakfast / lunch / dinner 當作早/午餐/晚餐

2-2. 完成句子:


What ________________ food and drink?


It’s very ________________ more water.


Milk, cheese and fish ________________.


If you want to __________, you must ________ vegetables.


Please eat lots of fruit and vegetables, ____ candy __ ice cream.

3-1. 連接詞 and, or, but 的區別。

1. 和:表示“和,又,與,並”,連接兩個名詞、動詞或句子,表示並列關係。

2. 或:用於否定句表示「和」的意思,用於疑問句中表示「還是,或」的意思。

3. but:意思是“但是,而是”,表轉折關係。

3-2. Fill in the blanks with and, or , or but.

1. Mr. Zhang is an English teacher _______ he teaches us English.

2. Do you like to have Chinese food _______ western food?

3. He is rich, _______ he isn’t happy.

4. Have you got any brothers _______ sisters?

5. Juice _______ milk are healthy drinks________ cola isn’t a healthy drink.

6. Remember to eat noodles ______ rice, not hamburgers.

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更新時間: 2024-10-17

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