《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件
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《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件

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《Is there a post office near here?》PPT課件

Warming up

Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.

Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?

Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. It’s next to a supermarket.

Paul: Thank you very much.

Nancy: You’re welcome.

1. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?

Yes, there is. Go straight down New Street and turn right. There is a pay phone on the right.

2.Where is the bank?

Go straight down New Street and turn right.

Turn left at Bridge Street. The bank is across from the street.

1c. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

A: Excuse me. Is there a _______ around here?

B: Yes, there is. Just go _______ Bridge Street and turn_______ When you see the library. Go along Long

Street and it’s on the _______. It’s _______ _______ the supermarket and across from the _______.

A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the _______?

B: Yes. _______ along New Street. _______ right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, _______ _______ the play phone.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome.


1.Excuse me. Where is the pay phone ?

2.Excuse me. How can I get to the library ?

3.Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the library ?

4.Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the library ?

5.Is there a library near here/around here/in the neighborhood?

Answering the way:

1. Go straight ( until the end ).

2. Go down/along Bridge Street.

3. Turn left/right.

4. Go across the street.

5. It’s down/along New Street on the left/right.

6. Turn left/right at the first crossing(十字路口).

7. Take the first turning(轉彎處)on the left/right.

3a. Listen, read and match.


There ____ (be) a zoo in my neighborhood. I like____(spend )time there on weekends. I love____ (watch)the monkeys ____(climb) around. The monkeys sometimes fight. They look like my friends and____we fight!____(get) there, I usually walk out and turn right on bridge Road. Then I walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. Then I walk along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right.

Read the passages carefully and answer the questions.

Q1. How does Anna get to the zoo?

She walks out and turns right on Bridge Road.

Then she walks along Bridge Road. The zoo is on the right.

Q2. Where is the park?

Across from the supermarket.

Q3. Where is the post office?

Between Lisa’s house and a clothes store.

Q4. Where is the library?

Across from the park.

Answers -- One Possible Version

1. Anna likes watching the monkeys climbing around.

2. Yes. Anna thinks that when the monkeys are fighting, they look like her friends fighting.

3. John likes to exercise at the park.

4. Yes. I agree with John.

5. Lisa walks to the library. She goes down North Road and then turns left. The library is across from the park.

Language points

1.To get to the park, you just have to cross Center Street.

to get to the park 是目的狀語前置,此句子中的just起增強語氣的作用,和此處的have to表示“只要,僅需”。

2. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.

enjoy 表示“從中得到樂趣;欣賞;喜歡”,後接動詞時候,動詞用-ing形式,即enjoy doing…,表示喜歡做某事,享受做某事帶來的樂趣。

e.g. I enjoying listening to soft music.



enjoy oneself 表示 “玩的高興,愉快”

e.g.: Our classmates enjoy ourselves.




3.完成小練sectionA的 第二,三 ,四題

4 背誦47頁的單字

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更新時間: 2024-07-06

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