《What did you do last weekend?》PPT課件8

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《What did you do last weekend?》PPT課件8

學 習 重 點

字: high, ago, India, tent, moon, surprise, snake, scared, move, start, jump, wake,into, forest, ear.

拓展:surprise/ surprised/ surprising get/be a surprise

片語: high school, put up, get a surprise, shout to, up and down, wake...up

預 習 檢 測

一、請根據中文意思寫出下列單字。 (這些都是黑體單詞,要好好記住哦。)

1. ________ adv. &adj.高的(地)

2. ________ adv.以前

3. ________ n.印度

4. ________ n.月亮

5. ________ v.使吃驚;n.驚訝

6. ________ n.蛇

7. __​​______adj.驚慌的;嚇壞了的

8. ________v.移動


15. 中學________________________

16. 搭起;舉起_______________

17. 吃驚________________________

18. 衝…大聲叫嚷_____________

19. 上上下下;起伏_____________

20. 把…弄醒_________________

三、閱讀2b短文,完成下列練習。 True or false.

( ) 21. Lisa finished high school two weeks ago.

( ) 22. Lisa thinks last weekend was interesting and scary.

( ) 23. Lisa went traveling by bus last weekend.

( ) 24. When they shouted, they could scare the snake away.

( ) 25. Lisa’s father jumped up and down in their tent because he was very scared.

思 考 探 究



Everything ____ ready. /Nobody ____ here.

1. Nothing ____ (be) difficult if you put your heart into it.

修飾它的形容詞要後置.如:something important

2. Can you tell me _________? (interesting something /something interesting)

★make使, 讓. 後跟動詞原形do或形容如:make me happy /make me laugh

3.That good news ________ me _______.

4. My teacher ________ me __ my homework.


My sister finished 1. _______ school two weeks ago. As a special gift, our parents 2. _______ us to India. Last weekend was interesting 3. _______ scary.

We went 4. ________ in a small village in India. There we 5. _______ up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. On the first night , we just sat 6. _______ the moon and told each other stories.

The next morning when we looked out of our tent, we saw a big snake 7. __​​_____ near the fire. I was so 8. _______ that I couldn't move. We shouted to our parents to let them know about them know about the danger . dad started 9. _______ up and down in their tent. The snake woke up and moved into the forest near the lake. My dad told me later that snakes don't have ears, but can feel things moving. He al______so 10. have ears, but can feel things moving. He al______so 10. ving_f it was important not to go near a snake. This was a very useful lesson for me.


( ) 11.The swimming pool is _________.

A. in a park B. in a village

C. in a store D. in a museum

( ) 12. The writer and Helen learned about ___ in the museum.

A. what Hong Kong was like in the past

B. what Hong Kong made in the past

C. how people fished in the past

D. how people found food in the past

( ) 13. The writer and Helen didn’t _______ in the museum.

A. see any old things B. take any notes

C. take any photos D. see any old peopel

( ) 14. The underlined word “ fishermen” means “______” in Chinese

A. 商人 B. 漁民 C. 船員 D. 士兵.

( ) 15.They stayed in the Hong Kong Museum of History for _____ hours.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

(二) 重點詞彙累積 (從提供的閱讀文章中找出以下短語)。

16. 天氣晴朗_____________________

17. 在過去 _______________________

18. 了解,學習___________________

19. 做筆記________________________

20. 香港的歷史____________________

21. 照相 __________________________

(三) 重點句型解析並造句。

My mother took me and my sister Helen to visit the Hong Kong Museum of History.

22. 我小的時候爸爸總是帶我去公園。

My father __________________ when I was a child.

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更新時間: 2024-07-08

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