《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件11

《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件11
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《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件11

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《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件11

一、單項選擇 (20小題,共20分)

( ) 1. There is ____ animal in the tree. ____ animal is very smart.

A. a, An B. a, The C. an, The D. an, An

( ) 2. I want ____ the lions. Let’s _____ them.

A. to see, to see B. see, to see C. to see, see D. see, see

( ) 3. --- ____ does Mrs. Lin go to Canada?

---Because she wants to see her daughter there.

A. Why B. How C. What time D. Where

( ) 4. ---Let’s see the pandas first. (2013·成都中考模擬) --- _____.

A. Lucky B. Fine C. OK D. Well

( ) 5. I hate traveling by air_____ you usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes off. (上海)

A. because B. but C. until D. so


There is a zoo in our city. My parents often take me there on 21 . I like animals. I have 22 toy animals in my room. In the 23 , I can see the tigers, elephants, monkeys, 23 , I can see the tigers, elephants, monkeys, pankes, bearsna and many other 24 . Some animals are friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and some snakes are 25 , that is why they have to stay in 26 . But I do not think it is good for malay in 26 . But I do not think it is good for malay ). They should be free. The animals in cages can't 27 happy. I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins.

I like 28 them swim and jump. They swim so fast and jump so high. They can play with a ball. They can stand up and walk 29 water! They are very 30 to people. If you fall into water and can't swple. If you fall into water and can't swple. , they may come to help you.

( ) 21. A. summer B. month

C. weekday D. weekends

( ) 22. A. a lot B. a lots of C. a lot of D. lot of

( ) 23. A. zoo B. park C. bank D. library

( ) 24. A. tigers B. people C. friends D. animals

( ) 25. A. dangerous B. friendly C. interesting D. ugly

( ) 26. A. houses B. buildings C. cages D. ponds(池塘)

( ) 27. A. is B. be C. am D. are

( ) 28. A. looking B. seeing C. watching D. hearing

( ) 29. A. in B. at C. with D. on

( ) 30. A. friendly B. interesting C. warm D. cold

五、根據所給單字的中文意思或根據所給單字的適當形式完成句子。 (10小題,共10分)

46. The little girl is in great __________ (危險). Please save her at once!

47. The _________ (長頸鹿) have very long necks.

48. Can you tell me the _________ (地點) to buy some fruit?

49. The koala always __________ (睡覺) in the day time.

50. The old man is __________ (超過) 80 years old.

51. Our English teacher is from _______ (Australian).

52. One of the _______ (flag) has an white elephant in it.

53. We shouldn’t buy things _______ (make) of ivory.

54. Don’t forget ________ (close) the door before you go out.

55. How many ________ (zoo) are there in your city ?


56. 很多動物正處於巨大的危險中。

Many animals_________________.

57. 這座橋是由石頭做的。

The bridge ______ stones.

58. 他們找不到回家的路了,他們迷路了。

They can’t find the way home. They ______.

59. 你爸為什麼喜歡踢足球?

_____________ playing soccer?

60. 這隻獅子來自南非。

The lion _______________.

關鍵字:《Why do you like pandas?》教學課件,人教新目標版七年級下冊英語PPT課件下載,七年級英語幻燈片課件下載,《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件下載,.PPT格式;

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《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件10:

《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件10 學 習 重 點 學 習 目 標 【學習重點】 閱讀有關文章並將目標語言、短語及句型運用到寫作中。 【學習目標】 學會寫一篇關於動物的文章。寫 前..

《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件9:

《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件9 學 習 重 點 單字: flag place water danger tree save forget cut kill down over 短語: forget to do get lost be in great danger cut down ..

《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件8:

《Why do you like pandas?》PPT課件8 學 習 重 點 字: friendly shy scary 片語: a lot really cool friendly and smart be friendly to 句型: 1. Why does John like koalas? 2. ..


更新時間: 2024-07-04

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