《Get Ready for Summer Holiday!》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT免費課件

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《Get Ready for Summer Holiday!》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT免費課件

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《Get Ready for Summer Holiday!》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT免費課件

第一部分內容:Learning targets

Key words & phrases:

noon, hamburger, nature, wish,at noon,

have a party

Key sentences:

1. Danny had a big smile on his face.

2. Now I am ready for my summer holiday.

3. Wish you a great summer holiday!

Make a detailed plan for your trip.

Get Ready for Summer Holiday!PPT,第二部內容:Lead in

What do you often do after the exam?

Can you tell something about your last school year?

How did you feel about the past school year?

outdoor travel

visit my friends

play football

go to the beach

Get Ready for Summer Holiday!PPT,第三部分內容:Presentation

Read the lesson in Page 120 and complete the tasks.

1. What did Jenny and her classmates do this morning?

They played a baseball game outside.

2. What did they do at noon?

They had a party.

3. Where are Jenny and her friends going next week?

They are going to a national park in western Canada.

Write true (T) or false (F).

1. Jenny had a big smile on her face.

2. Jenny and her friends will walk in the forest,fish at the lake, listen to the birds.

3. The beach is 6 500 from kilometres away from their home.

Get Ready for Summer Holiday!PPT,第四部分內容:Let’s Do It!

1. What did Jenny do on the last day of school?

What is her plan for the summer?

Read the lesson and match the time adverbs with the sentences.

2. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.

Betty has big _______ this summer. She ________ visit her aunt and cousins in Beijing. She will stay there for two ________. On the first day, they are going to ________ the Palace Museum. And later, they will _ Wang_ Wang day, they plan to ________ the Great Wall. They _________ the Wall and have a picnic near the mountains. On ______, they are going to the Beijing Zoo. Betty ______ to see the pandas at the zoo. She loves pandas! It's going to be a great ________.

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.

1. They __________ (go) to school tomorrow.

2. He ________(leave) the house at 8:00 a.m. everyday.

3. She ________ (go) to work on weekdays.

4. Jenny __________ (watch) a movie next Tuesday evening.

5. We________(play) basketball together the day after tomorrow.

6. I________(listen) to the English radio program every morning.

Get Ready for Summer Holiday!PPT,第五部分內容:Language points

1. At noon, we had a party.

at noon在中午

【辨析】介詞at, on與 in

例:Early in the morning,I got up to catch the bus to the zoo.一大早我便起床搭公車到動物園。

My father begins work at 8:00 in the morning and stops his work at 4:00 in the afternoon.我父親上午8點上班,下午4點下班。

I bought a small gift for my mother on the morning of March 8th. 在3月8日早上, 我買了一份小禮物給媽媽。

2. Now I am ready for my summer holiday.

be ready for,相當於 be ready to do 準備好做....

例:I am ready for the final exam.

=I am ready to take the final exam. 我準備好考試了。

3. It will be a long drive.


常用片語:go for a drive 開車去兜風。

例:Would you like to go for a drive with me?


【拓展】drive 作動詞,意為「開,駕駛」。

4. Wish you a great summer holiday!

wish v. 希望; 祝愿; 想要。這句一般用於生日和過節的 “祝福”,祝人好運等。 wish作動詞表示祝福時, 後面可以接名詞或代名詞作賓語。

例:Wish you a great summer holiday!


Wish you have a good dream. 願你有個好夢。

Get Ready for Summer Holiday!PPT,第六部分:Exercises



We have ____ and ____________ for breakfast.


______ do you have lunch ________ ?


He is going to _____________.


______ you a great trip.


We ______ ______ ______ the picnic.


1. Nick did very well _______ his English exam.

A. in B. for C. at D. with

2. Bill _______ his father to buy a new car for him.

A. want B. wishes C. plans D. hopes

3. I hear our teacher will be back ______ three weeks' time.

A. at B. in C. for D. after

Get Ready for Summer Holiday!PPT,第七部分:Summary

1. Words and phrases: noon, hamburger, nature,wish,at noon, have a party

2. Sentences:

(1) Danny had a big smile on his face.

(2) Now I am ready for my summer holiday.

(3) Wish you a great summer holiday!

Get Ready for Summer Holiday!PPT,第八部分內容:Homework

1. Preview the new words and phrases in Lesson 46.

2. Choose one or two sentences you like in the text to remember.

3. Make your own plan for your next vacation.

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更新時間: 2024-10-08

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《Get Ready for Summer Holiday!》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT免費課件