《Surfing in Sydney》Seasons PPT教学课件

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《Surfing in Sydney》Seasons PPT教学课件

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《Surfing in Sydney》Seasons PPT教学课件

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

1.Be able to use the words and expressions: surfing, mate, reach… degrees, sea, surfboard, popular, surfer, lots of beaches, be different from…, from… to…, go to the sea, ride the waves, be short for

2. Learn something about surfing

3. Learn some key sentences:

(1)Often, the temperature reaches 40 degrees!

(2)Seasons in Australia are different from seasons in many other countries.

(3)Surfing is very popular here.

(4)My mum and dad often come and watch me surf.

(5)“G'day”is short for“Good day”and“mate”is another way of saying“friend.”

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Surfing in SydneyPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

Please discuss the following questions with your partner and then answer them.

What’s your favorite season? And what do you like to do during your favorite season?

Do you like summer? And what do you like to do in summer?

Do you like to go surfing? And do you think surfing is good exercise?

... ... ...

Surfing in SydneyPPT,第三部分内容:Words and Expressions

surfing n. 冲浪运动

mate n. 朋友;伙伴

reach v. 到达;达到

degree n. 度数;度

sea n. 海洋;海

surfboard n. 冲浪板

popular adj. 流行的;普及的

surfer n. 冲浪者

... ... ...

Surfing in SydneyPPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Listen and answer!

1. How old is Aaron ?

He is 16 years old.

2. What’s the weather like in summer in Australia ?

It is always very hot.

3. When is summer in Australia?

From December to February.

4. What is Aaron’s favourite season?


5. Does Aaron want to be a surfer?

Yes, he does.

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Surfing in SydneyPPT,第五部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1. Listen and circle the correct words.

1. Aaron is (16/18) years old.

2. Aaron lives in (Canada/Australia).

3. Aaron's favourite season is (winter/summer).

4. Surfing (is/isn't) very popular in Sydney.

5. Aaron's father (can/can't) get a good picture of him.

2. Match the words with the correct meanings.

3. Read the lesson and fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.

lots of beaches good exercise are different from

a great surfer December to February

1. I live in Sydney, Australia.We have______________.

2. Seasons in Australia ________________ seasons in many other countries.

3. Summers here go from ______________________.

4. Surfing is very popular here. It is difficult, but very ____________.

5. I hope to be ____________ one day.

... ... ...

Surfing in SydneyPPT,第六部分内容:Language points

1. Often, the temperature reaches 40 degrees!


如:When will you reach Shanghai?你什么时候到上海?

I arrived in Beijing yesterday. 我昨天到的北京。

She arrived at school at 7:30 am.


It's not difficult for him to arrive there.


Lily got to the park by bike.


2. Seasons in Australia are different from seasons in many other countries.

be different from 和……不同。

如:My pen is different from yours.


different 形容词;difference 名词;differently 副词。

3. Surfing is very popular here.

popular是形容词,意为“流行的,受欢迎的”。常用短语:be popular with sb.为某人所喜欢。

如:The pop music is popular with young people.


4. My mum and dad often come and watch me surf.

watch是动词,意为“观看(电视、比赛等)”。常用短语:watch sb.do sth.意为“观看某人做某事”,表示看的是动作的全过程;而watch sb.doing sth.意为“观看某人正在做某事”,表示看的是正在发生的动作。

如:I like to watch them play basketball.我喜欢看他们打篮球。

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Surfing in SydneyPPT,第七部分内容:Exercises

Ⅰ. 单项选择。

1. Today the temperature will _______ 39 degrees.

A. reach B. get C. arrive D. go

2. Seasons in China are _______ seasons in Australia.

A. same B. the same as

C. different D. different from

3. You can fly kites _______ a windy day.

A. on B. at C. in D. during

4. In Australia surfing is _______ than in China.

A. popular B. popularer

C. more popular D. most popular

Ⅱ. 完成句子。

1. 青岛有很多海滩。

There are _______ _______ _______ in Qingdao.

2. 冲浪是一种很好的运动,但是很难。

_______ is ________ ________, but it is very difficult.

3. 篮球运动在中国很流行。

Basketball is very ________ ________ China.

4. 你会来看我冲浪吗?

Will you come and ________ me ________?

5. 我父亲拍了很多有关我的照片。

My father took many _____________ _____ _____.

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Surfing in SydneyPPT,第八部分内容:Summary

1. Learn something about surfing and talk about your favourite sports;

2. Learn some useful words and phrases: surfing, mate, reach, degree, sea, surfboard, popular, surfer, lots of beaches, be different from…, from… to…, go to the sea, ride the waves, be short for.


1.What do you think is the most popular sport in China? Write an article about it.

2.Finish the exercises of this lesson.

关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Surfing in SydneyPPT下载,SeasonsPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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《It's warm in spring》Seasons MP3课文朗读音频课件 关键词:鲁科版英语四年级上册MP3音频课件免费下载,It's warm in spring MP3下载,Seasons MP3下载,.MP3格式;..


更新时间: 2024-10-16



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《Surfing in Sydney》Seasons PPT教学课件