《A Class of the World》Know Our World PPT免费课件

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《A Class of the World》Know Our World PPT免费课件

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

Prepare, Amazon, rainforest, Turkey, Bosphorous, Nile, Sahara, Cairo, pride, all over the world, be know for, be proud of, be busy doing sth. , prepare for...

Key sentences:

1. The students in her class come from all over the world.

2. Last week, she asked her students to prepare presentations about their home countries.

3. My people are known for our fun dances and colourful culture.

4. It connects Europe and Asia.

5. Everything comes together to make it a great place to discover.

6. Many things in Egypt will surprise you, not just the pyramids.

7. More students come to the front to talk about their countries with pride.

8. The students are busy preparing for the coming exams.

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A Class of the WorldPPT,第二部分内容:Words and expressions

prepare v. 准备;预备

Amazon 亚马逊河

rainforest n. (热带)雨林

Turkey 土耳其

Bosphorous 博斯普鲁斯(地名)

Nile 尼罗河

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A Class of the WorldPPT,第三部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read

Ms. Morin teaches English in Edmonton. The students in her class come from all over the world. Last week, she asked her students to prepare presentations about their home countries. Today is the time to “show and tell”.


Today I want to tell you about my home country — Brazil. It’s the largest country in South America. It has a huge river called the Amazon and a rainforest with more trees than you can imagine. My people are known for our fun dances and colourful culture.


Ten years ago, my family came to Canada. We came from Turkey. Do you know that Turkey is in both Europe and Asia? There is a famous bridge called the Bosphorous Bridge. It connects Europe and Asia. Turkey is modern and old, rich and poor. Everything comes together to make it a great place to discover.

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A Class of the WorldPPT,第四部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.Read the lesson and tick the correct answers.

1. Where does Ahmed come from?

Brazil. Turkey. Egypt.

2. Where’s the Amazon?

In Brazil. In Turkey. In Egypt.

3. What connects Europe and Asia?

The Amazon.

The Bosphorous Bridge.

The Nile.

4. What can you do in the Sahara Desert?

Walk in the markets.

Ride a camel.

Take a boat tour.

2. Read the lesson again and fill in the blanks.

Brazil is the ________ country in South America. It has a huge river ________ the Amazon.

Turkey is in both ________ and ________. The well­known Bosphorous Bridge ________ Europe and Asia.

Besides the pyramids in Egypt, there are other things to see and do. Many things in Egypt will ________ you.

China has a long history and rich culture. It has the largest ___________. The Great Wall is ________ around the world.

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A Class of the WorldPPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1. The students in her class come from all over the world.

all over the world =all around the world


例: My dream is to travel all over the world one day. 我的梦想是有一天能去周游世界。

2. Last week, she asked her students to prepare presentations about their home countries.

prepare v.准备

常用搭配:prepare sth. 准备某物/事;

prepare for… = get ready for…


例: Now we are preparing for our final exam.


3. My people are known for our fun dances and colourful culture.

(1)known adj.著名的,为人所知的。它相当于famous

【辨析】be known for、be known as与be known to

例: Hangzhou is known for the West Lake.


Beijing is known as the capital city.


Running Man is known to many young people.


(2) colourful adj. 鲜艳的,多姿多彩的。


例: I would like to live a colourful life.


4. It connects Europe and Asia.

connect v. 连接;联系。


connect A to/with/and B 将A与B连接起来;

connect sb./sth.with sb./sth. 将某人/某物与某人/某物联系起来。

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A Class of the WorldPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1. Jay Chou is known ______ a famous singer.

2. Xi’an was known _______ Terra Cotta Warriors (秦兵马俑).

3. They ________ _______ _______ making so much progress.


4. She is _____ ______ _____ her parents.


5. I’m very ______ _____ ______ your friend.


6. The bridge c________ the two cities.

7. If you want to make yourself ___________ (understand),you’d better speak clearly and slowly.

8. We need to ________ ________ the speech contest.


9. They are busy ________ (准备) for the picnic on Sunday.


1. She prepares for her English exam?

She _______ _______ _______ her English exam?

2. China is known for the Great Wall.

China _______ _______ _______ the Great Wall.

3. We take pride in our country.

We _______ _______ ______ our country.

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A Class of the WorldPPT,第七部分内容:Summary

1. Learn some new words and expressions.

2. Get to know more about the world.

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A Class of the WorldPPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Recite the words and phrases in this lesson.

2. Make a report to introduce one country you like.

3. Preview next lesson

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《A Class of the World》Know Our World PPT课件下载:

《A Class of the World》Know Our World PPT课件下载 第一部分内容:课前自主预习 单词闯关 1.准备;预备________ 2.Amazon________ 3.rainforest________ 4.Turkey________ 5.引以..


更新时间: 2024-09-06



文件大小:982 KB



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