《Language in use》Rules and suggestions PPT课件

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《Language in use》Rules and suggestions PPT课件

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《Language in use》Rules and suggestions PPT课件




can, could, may, might, shall, should, must, need, dare, ought to, will, would, used to.


1.— Could I cross the street here?

— Of course you____.

A. could B. can C. be able to D. will

思路点拨: 此句中的could 表示委婉的语气,而不是表示过去时态。故回答时应用can,表示能够干某事。

2. Some people think trees _____ on Tree Planting Day only.

A. should be planted B. should plant

C. should be planting D. be planted

思路点拨:表“义务”和“应该”时,用should。情态动词的被动语态为:情态动词+ be +done。

3.— Must I do the work now?

— No, you _____ . You may do it later.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t

思路点拨:用must 引导的一般疑问句,其回答形式:肯定回答用must, 否定回答用needn’t。

4.You _____ get there by bus.

A. don’t need B. needn’t to

C. don’t need to D. need don’t to

思路点拨:need既可以用作情态动词,又可以用作行为动词,短语有need to do sth.和need doing sth. = need to be done。

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Language points


Will/Would/Could you...?

Will/Would you please...?

Would you mind doing...?

Do you mind doing...?

I wonder if you can ... ?

② 建议和邀请

Would you like/love to...?

Shall we...?

What do you think of...?

What/ How about...?

How do you like...?

You’d better (not) do....

Why don’t you...?

Why not do ...?

③ 表示“命令、禁止、不得不”常用must, mustn’t , have to。


常用needn’t, don’t have to或句型:

It isn’t necessary to do sth.

There is no necessity to do sth.

... ... ...

Match the signs and the rules.

1. Smoking is not allowed inside the building.

2. All visitors have to report to reception.

3. Smoking is allowed outside the building.

4. It’s best to bring a bottle of water on the trip.

5. Never go mountain climbing in bad weather.

6. Be careful of children crossing the road.

7. It’s a good idea to allow at least an hour to view the museum.

8. It’s dangerous to stay out in the sunshine too long without a hat.

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Work in pairs. Explain the rules.

① Why must you sign in when you come to the centre?

So that they know who is there.

② Why must you climb with a partner?

③ Why shouldn’t you listen to music while you’re climbing?

④ Why mustn’t you light fires?

⑤ Why shouldn’t you talk on your mobile phone when you’re climbing?

Listen and put the advice in the correct column.

Plan the walk carefully.

Walk on the road.

Choose a starting point people can get to by bus or train.

Try a new walk with a group.

Tell people to bring a picnic lunch.

Walk in hot weather.

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Ⅰ. 选用适当的词语,并用其正确形式填空

can may have to can’t

must mustn’t should

1.Don’t you see the sign? Silence. You_______ talk.

2.It is noisy. I ______hear you.

3.You ____use the computer if you like.

4.Lucy’s parents are proud of her. She ______ speak four languages.

5.You _______pay him for the newspaper.

6.I _____ go now. Thank you for your dinner.

7.It’s raining heavily outside. He ______stay home watching TV.

Ⅱ. 用所给词的正确形式填空

1.I ___________(fly) to Hangzhou tomorrow.

2.When I got to the station, the bus _________(leave) already.

3.I ________(know) the fact just two days ago.

4.She said she __________(visit) me the next day.

5.Mr.Lin ________(lose) two bikes by now.

6.—I phoned you at 8:30 last night, but nobody answered the phone.

—At that time I _______(see) a film in the cinema.

7.Jane can’t go out to play with you . She _______(help) her mum clean the house.

8.My boss is a busy man .He ______(work) more than 12 hours a day.

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( ) 1. —______ I take some photos here?

—Sorry, you _______.

A. Can; needn’t B. Must; mustn’t

C. Could; won’t D. May; mustn’t

( ) 2.—Do you know where we are going to have the PE class?

—I’m not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He ______ know.

A. will B. may C. need D. shall

( ) 3.Alice, speak loudly, please. The others _____ hear you clearly.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. may not

( ) 4.—Could you please go to the cinema with me this afternoon?

—Sorry, I ______. I _____ take a piano lesson at 2:00 pm.

A. couldn’t; have to B. can’t; would

C. can’t; have to D. couldn’t; will

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Go over the words and useful expressions in Module 5.

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更新时间: 2024-10-04



文件大小:1966 KB



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《Language in use》Rules and suggestions PPT课件