《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT教学课件

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《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT教学课件

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《Summer Plans》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT教学课件

第一部分内容:Learning targets

Key words & phrases:

Germany, university, summer plans, go back to...

Key sentences:

1. I will volunteer there for four weeks.

2. My parents and I are planning a trip to Germany this summer.

3. I want to keep learning.

4. Ms. Liu never wants to stop learning.

... ... ...

Summer PlansPPT,第二部分内容:Warming up

What are you going to do for summer holiday?

I’m going to…

I will do my homework at home.

My family and I will go to travel.

My friends and I will do some voluntary work.

I'll help with the housework.

take basketball lessons

visit the Terra Cotta Warriors

... ... ...

Summer PlansPPT,第三部分内容:Words and expression

Germany n. 德国

university n. 大学

1.讨论;谈论 talk about

2.暑假计划 summer plans

3.照相;拍照 take pictures

4.上课 take lessons

5.返回;回到 go back to

6.继续学习 keep learning

7.对……感到兴奋 be excited about

8.在乡村 in the countryside

... ... ...

Summer PlansPPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Read the lesson in Page 122.

Ms. Liu: Do you have any plans for this summer?

Wang Mei: Yes.I am going to work at the library. I will volunteer there for four weeks. I'm going to read storybooks to young children.

Tao Xiaolin: My parents and I are planning a trip to Germany this summer. I will take lots of pictures.

Li Lin: I'm going to take swimming lessons. I will go swimming three times a week.

... ... ...

Summer PlansPPT,第五部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1. What are they going to do for the summer?

Listen to th dialogues and match the pictures.

2. Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.

The students are talking about their _____ for the summer. They are excited. Wang Mei is planning to work at the _______. She will _________ there for four weeks. She is going to read ___________ to young children. Tao Xiaolin is going to ________ with his _______. He will take many photos. Li Lin is going to take swimming lessons. She will go swimming ______ times a week. Li Ming is going to stay with a family in the ___________. Ms. Liu is going to take summer classes at Beijing __________.

... ... ...

Summer PlansPPT,第六部分内容:Language points

1. I will volunteer there for four weeks.

(1)volunteer 作动词, 意为“自愿帮助”。volunteer to do意为“自愿做”。【拓展】volunteer n.志愿者。

例:There were many volunteers in our city. 我们市内有许多志愿者。


例:He lived in Spain for a long time. 他在西班牙生活了很长一段时间。

2. My parents and I are planning a trip to Germany this summer. 


例:Germany is a country in central-western Europe.


How many Germans are there in your university?


3. I’m going to take swimming lessons.

take… lessons/classes意为“上……课”。

例:How often do you take piano lessons?


4. I’m really excited about my summer plans.

be excited about意为“对……感到兴奋”。

例:We are excited about the good news.


... ... ...

Summer PlansPPT,第七部分内容:Exercises


1. They are talking _____ their summer plans.

A. for B. about C. with D. to

2. What are you going to do tomorrow?

We are _____ with our friends.

A. go swim B. go to swim

C. going to swim D. going swim

3. We are really _____ about our summer plans.

A. excite B. exciting

C. excited D. be excited

4. These visitors are from ________.

A. German B. Germany C. Japanese

5. Li Ming is ________ at Beijing ________.

A. studying;Palace B. study;Supermarket

C. studying;University


wonderful Germany university experience plan

1. I can speak a little German, so I’d like to visit_________.

2. Thanks for inviting me to your party. I had a __________ time.

3. I’m __________ to go somewhere interesting this winter vacation.

4. The visit to the museum is an interesting __________ for the students.

5. This __________ is very famous in my city.

... ... ...

Summer PlansPPT,第八部分内容:Summary

1. Words and phrases: Germany, university, summer plans, go back to...

2. Sentences:

(1) I will volunteer there for four weeks.

(2) My parents and I are planning a trip to Germany this summer.

(3) I want to keep learning.

(4) Ms. Liu never wants to stop learning.


1.Preview the new words and phrases in Lesson 48.

2.Choose one or two sentences you like in the text to remember.

3.Interview your classmates about their plans for the summer vacation.

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更新时间: 2024-09-07



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