《The Internet》Period One PPT

《The Internet》Period One PPT
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《The Internet》Period One PPT

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《The Internet》Period One PPT


The Internet joins millions of computers all over the world,and today it is used by people all over the world.They think how convenient it is1 to use it.It was invented in the 1960s in the USA.The American government needed a network of computers for its army.

The World Wide Web was invented by a British scientist named Tim Berners-Lee in 1989,which allowed him to send and receive scientific documents with text,drawings and photos2.In the 1990s,more and more people began to use the Internet and the World Wide Web.

So what’s the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? The Internet is the hardware.It allows us to communicate with other people.The World Wide Web is the software.It allows us to create,see and read multimedia documents.

The web is made up of millions of documents called web pages.These pages are held in computers all over the world.Many people have a favourite website with a number of web pages on the same subject3.

It took 50 years for 100 million people to listen to the radio.It took 15 years for 100 million people to watch television.By the year 2000,it had taken only about three years for 100 million people to use the Internet.What will happen next on the Internet?


1.While working,I realised how hard it was to work in the fields under a hot sun.(2019·北京,书面表达)

2.First of all,I speak English fluently,which allows me to communicate with visitors without difficulty.(2019·全国Ⅰ,书面表达)

3.It is just the so-called inconvenience that displays the richness,delicacy and great fascination of Chinese culture with a history of thousands of years.(2019·江苏,书面表达)

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The Internet PPT,第二部分内容:PART 1 读前清障



1.blog A.聊天;闲聊

2.engine B.方便的;近便的

3.chat C.博客

4.stream D.引擎;发动机

5.convenient E.流播;流出;小河;溪流


6.cash A.软件

7.update B.现金;金钱

8.database C.益处;使受益;得益于

9.software D.更新

10.benefit E.数据库;资料库

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The Internet PPT,第三部分内容:PART 2 语篇理解

Step 1 Fast-reading

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.People’s lives have been changed by online communities and social network.

B.The Internet has separated us and made us lonely.

C.The Internet can cure patients of their serious diseases.

D.The Internet can help people make friends with others.

2.Match each paragraph with its topic sentence.

Para.1  A.Jan started an IT club and helped many other older people.

Para.2 B.The Internet has made our lives more convenient.

Para.3 C.Jan’s life has been improved by the Internet.

Para.4 D.Jan wasn’t lonely,for the Internet removed the distance between her and others.

Para.5 E.Jan has learned more about how to use the Internet to make society better.

Step 2 Careful-reading

Ⅰ.Judge whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F).

1.There’s no doubt that the Internet has brought much convenience to people in all aspects of their life.( )

2.The Internet has removed the distance between Jan and other people,which helps her feel less lonely and bored.( )

3.Now that the 59-year-old man can’t take care of himself,his daughter can’t go to university.( )

4.Jan has started a charity website to raise money for children in poor countries.( )

5.Jan is a kind woman and ready to help others in trouble.( )

Ⅱ.Choose the best answer.

1.What convenience the Internet has brought isn’t mentioned in Para.1?

A.We no longer have to wait in line or carry cash around when we go shopping.

B.We can get other people’s personal information easily.

C.We can get the latest information from large databases.

D.We can download software,documents and images whenever we need them.

2.What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A.Jan has known many people online who can keep her company every day.

B.After Jan was out of work,she applied for work online and found a great job.

C.Jan has been good at surfing the Internet although she is old.

D.Jan has started a small online company together with other two friends.

3.How did the people in the online community help Jan?

A.They gave her support and advice.

B.They donated a lot of money to her.

C.They kept her company online every day.

D.They encouraged her to apply for a job.

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更新时间: 2024-09-11



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《The Internet》Period One PPT