《Garbage Is Interesting!》Save Our World! PPT课件下载

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《Garbage Is Interesting!》Save Our World! PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

1. Be able to use the words and phrases: used, divide, pile, seat, lid, ton, duty, divide…into… , make... out of, It’s one’s duty to…

2. Learn something about garbage and know how to protect our environment

3. Learn some key sentences:

· All of our classmates helped.

· Danny found a used toy car with one broken wheel.

· We put on gloves and divided the garbage into different piles:glass, metal, plastic, paper and everything else.

· Today, Danny made a car out of garbage!

· I think it's our duty to protect the environment.

· I am only one person, but if I do my part, the earth will be a cleaner and safer place.

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Garbage Is Interesting!PPT,第二部分内容:Words and expressions

used adj. 用过的;旧的;二手的

divide v.分开;分割

pile n. 堆;大量

seat n. 座位

lid n. 盖子

ton n. 吨

duty n. 责任;义务

divide…into… 把……分成……

make... out of 由……制成,用……做原料

It’s one’s duty to… ……是某人的职责/义务

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Garbage Is Interesting!PPT,第三部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read the passage.

This week we learned about pollution. I never knew that garbage was so interesting!

On Tuesday, it was World Environment Day. Danny, Brian and I cleaned up the schoolyard. All of our classmates helped. We took bags and picked up the garbage. It was great to see everyone working together!

Later that day, Brian, Danny and I went for a walk around our neighbourhood. When we saw garbage, we picked it up. Danny found a used toy car with one broken wheel. He took it home, cleaned it and fixed it.

On Wednesday, we sorted our school's garbage. We put on gloves and divided the garbage into different piles: glass, metal, plastic, paper and everything else. Most of the garbage was paper. People wasted a lot of paper!There was less plastic than paper and more plastic than metal. There was the least amount of glass.

Today, Danny made a car out of garbage!He used a big box for the body and pieces of wood for the seats. He used a bit of glue to put the wheels on. The wheels were plastic lids. It was great!

We throw garbage away. But where does it go?Later this month, we will go on a class trip to the city

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Garbage Is Interesting!PPT,第四部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.Read the lesson and fill in the table.

2.Complete the dialogues using the phrases in brackets.

1. A: The schoolyard is dirty. (clean up)

B: Let’s clean up together.

2. A: There is too much garbage. (pick up)

B: Shall we pick it up?

3. A: What a sunny day! (go for a walk)

B: How about going for a walk?

4. A: It’s cold outside! (put on)

B: Put on your coat.

3.Read the passage and answer the question.

“Hazardous” means dangerous. Some hazardous waste is poison—it makes people sick. Some products explode or burn very easily. Hazardous things usually have these labels: “poison”, “caution”, “warning” or “danger”.What can we do about hazardous waste?Buy less of it!And when you take out the garbage, don't take out your hazardous waste.

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Garbage Is Interesting!PPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1. All of our claasmates helped.

all of…所有的…… 其后既可跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名词。作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于其后所接名词或代词的单复数。

例:All of the rubbish here is plastic.


2. Danny found a used toy car with one broken wheel.


例:He spent 1000 dollars on a used car last week.


with one broken wheel是介词短语作定语,放在被修饰的名词后面。

例:Please pass me the bottle with some oil.


3. We put on gloves and divided the garbage into different piles:glass,metal,plastic,paper and everything else.

divide v.分开,划分。短语divide…into…意为“把……分成……”,强调把原来是整体的东西分成若干份。divide…in half 意为“把……分成两半”,

相当于divide…into halves。

例:We should divide the apple in half.


4. Today,Danny made a car out of garbage!

make…out of…意为“用……制作……”。make后面接成品,out of 后面接材料。

例:The children like making hats out of branches.


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Garbage Is Interesting!PPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1. This store buys and sells u____ (二手的) exercise equipment.

2. A fence d______ (将……分开) our garden from neighbour’s garden.

3. The boy made a boat ___ ___ wood.

4. Danny and I ____________ ( 散步) through our park.

5. She failed in her ____ (职责).


1. The teacher divided us ________ 6 groups.

A. into B. to

C. on D. of

2. —It's our duty ________our city clean and beautiful.

—Yes. We should do something for it.

A. to keep B. keep

C. keeping D. keeps

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Garbage Is Interesting!PPT,第七部分内容:Summary

1. Learn some new words and expressions.

2. Be able to understand the passage .

3. Learn some ways to recycle garbage.

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Garbage Is Interesting!PPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Finish off the exercises on the book.

2. Read Lesson 48 for three times.

关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Garbage Is Interesting!PPT下载,Save Our World!PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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《单元语法聚焦》Save Our World! PPT:

《单元语法聚焦》Save Our World! PPT 第一部分内容:教材典据 1. It was World Environment Day.那天是世界环境日。 2. It means garbage in American English. 在美式英语中,它的..

《单元基础知识过关》Save Our World! PPT:

《单元基础知识过关》Save Our World! PPT 第一部分内容:基础知识清单 重点单词 根据汉语提示,写出下列单词及变形 1.注意;留心________ 2.垃圾;废物________ 3.污染________ 4..

《Garbage Is Interesting!》Save Our World! PPT教学课件:

《Garbage Is Interesting!》Save Our World! PPT教学课件 第一部分内容:课前自主预习 单词闯关 1.用过的;旧的;二手的(adj.)________________(v.) 2.分开;分割________ 3.pile __..


更新时间: 2024-09-07



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