《Food for thought》PartⅢ PPT

《Food for thought》PartⅢ PPT
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《Food for thought》PartⅢ PPT

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《Food for thought》PartⅢ PPT


Healthy You!

Is there any truth behind the saying “You are (1) what you eat”?We put this to the test (2) by asking five people to open their fridge doors and talk about their lifestyles.Can you guess which fridge belongs to which person?Maybe you can recognise your own fridge here!

Ellie 24

Junior doctor

(3)There’s not enough room to swing a cat in my small apartment,so I don’t cook very often.My fridge is usually half empty and I’m often too tired to eat much anyway.I often end up saving part of my meal for the next day.Some evenings,I’ll just have something quick,like toast,or even just a yoghurt with honey.As a doctor,I know I had better change the way(4) I eat,but I just don’t have the time or the energy right now.

Jenny 31


My husband and I avoid all products (5) that come from animals.This means (6) we don’t eat meat,and any milk or cheese had better be dairy-free.We like cooking at home and make our meals from fresh,seasonal fruit and vegetables.(7)Cooking together gives us a chance to relax and catch up on each other’s days.If we have children,I want to bring them up just like us,but my husband says (8)that everyone should be able to make their own lifestyle choices.

Ted 35

Construction worker

Each day at the construction site is more or less the same—tiring!(9) When I get back home,there’s nothing more satisfying than a big meat dinner.I guess (10)I’ve always been a big meat eater and in this house,no family meal is complete without some form of meat.I still don’t think (11) that anything can beat my mum’s homemade sausages,though.

Mike 49


With five children,we’re one big family!My wife and I both work full-time,so life can get pretty busy!Like a lot of chefs I know,I don’t really do much cooking at home.Sometimes I bring home food from the restaurant (12)where I work.Once a week,we do a big shop and buy a lot of frozen food.I know we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables,but ready meals are so convenient.

Max 19

College student

There are five of us (13)living in our shared student house.My mum says (14)I need to have three healthy meals a day,but I’m too busy studying and meeting friends!We don’t really buy fresh food,and I suppose (15)the fridge could be kind of cleaner...I daren’t let my mum see this photo!



(3)There be句型。

(4)定语从句,省略了关系词that,修饰先行词the way。







①saying n.俗语,谚语

②talk about谈论……

③belong to属于


⑤end up最终处于;到头来

⑥as a doctor作为一名医生

⑦had better最好

⑧avoid v.避免

⑨come from来自于……

⑩give sb a chance to do sth给某人机会做某事

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Food for thought PPT,第二部分内容:课文整体阅读

Step Ⅰ Factual reading

Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.

1.Who often leaves some food for the next day?

A.Jenny. B.Mike. C.Ted. D.Ellie.

2.What does Jenny like to do?

A.She loves eating fast food.

B.She often cooks meals at home.

C.She forces her husband to cook meals.

D.She likes eating fried meat.

3.What is Ted’s favourite food?

A.Homemade sausages. B.Fried meat.

C.Fresh vegetables. D.Ready meals.

4.Why do Mike and his wife not do much cooking at home?

A.They are too lazy.

B.They like eating at restaurant.

C.They have no much time to cook.

D.They aren’t good at cooking.

5.What does Max’s mother want him to eat?

A.Healthy meals. B.Boxed food.

C.Frozen food. D.Fast food.

Step Ⅱ Cloze test

Fill in the blanks according to the text.

Eating healthy food is very important for all the people.We interview five people and ask them to talk about the lifestyles belonging 1.____________ them.

Ellie doesn’t cook often,for her apartment is very small.Her fridge is usually half empty and she is often too tired 2.____________(eat).She often ends up 3.____________ (save) some meal for the next day.As 4.____________ doctor,she knows she had better change the way to eat.Jenny is a teacher.She and her husband don’t eat meat.They like cooking at home.She thinks cooking together 5.____________ (give) them a chance to relax and catch 6.____________ on each other’s days.Ted,a construction worker,feels tired every day.When he returns home,what he wants most is a 7.____________ (satisfy) meat dinner.Mike is a 49-year-old chef with five children.He and his wife both work full-time,so they are pretty busy!He doesn’t really do much cooking at home.Sometimes he brings home food from the restaurant 8.____________ he works.It’s very 9.____________ (convenience) for them to eat ready meals.Max is a college student,who is living in a shared student house.He needs to have three healthy meals a day,but he is too busy 10.____________ (study) and meeting friends.He also has no time to cook food.

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Food for thought PPT,第三部分内容:核心要点突破


1.addict n.对……着迷的人 vt.使……上瘾;沉迷于……

·So,if you’re a sugar addict and aren’t able to say no to chocolate or cola,you’d better download it now!(教材P5)所以,如果你是一个爱吃糖的人,不能对巧克力或可乐说不,你最好现在就下载它!


①The smarter a child is,the less likely he gets ____________(addict) to TV.

②We are addicted to ____________(buy) new things.



③Many kids __________________________________________ surfing the Net,and so they have lost interest in study.

④Many kids ____________________________________ surfing the Net,and so they have lost interest in study.

⑤____________________ surfing the Net,many kids have lost interest in study.


addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的

addiction n.上瘾;沉溺;入迷


(1)be/become/get addicted to(doing) sth沉溺于……;对……上瘾

addict oneself to sth沉迷于某物;对某物/事着迷

(2)have addiction to对……上瘾

2.manner n.礼貌,礼仪;举止;方式

·Table manners are no exception.(教材P5)餐桌礼仪也不例外。


①Why are you talking ____________ such a rude manner?

②It’s bad ____________ (manner) to break in while others are speaking.


it is bad/good manners to do sth做某事没有/有礼貌

in a...manner以……的方式

名师提醒 manner作“方式;举止”讲时,常用单数;而作“礼貌;习俗”讲时,常用复数。

3.differ v.不同,不一样,有区别

·Table manners,however,can differ in different situations.(教材P5)



①What you have said will make no difference ____________ the naughty boy.

②The twins are so alike;it’s difficult to tell the difference ____________ them.

③She is not very clever,but ____________ (different) she’s a nice girl.

④The boy is quite different ____________ his little brother.


difference n.差异;不同

differently adv.不同地;差异


(1)differ from与……不同;不同于

be different from/than与……不同;不同于

(2)make a difference to对……有作用/有影响

tell the difference (between...and...)辨别/区分(……与……)


1.in case 以防万一;以免

·Sometimes there are so many knives and folks that you have to pick them up in case you get it wrong.(教材P5)



①Take an umbrella,________________ it rains.

=Take an umbrella ________________ rain.

②Enough space should be given to the kids.________________,they will get more life experiences.

③________________ will China use nuclear weapons.

【熟词生义】 Unless we have enough evidence,we can’t win the case.____________


in case of 在……情形时;万一……

in any case无论如何

in no case决不;在任何情况下都不(放在句首时,用部分倒装)

in that/this case假使那样/这样的话

as is often the case(with...)(对……来说)这是常有的事

2.end up(尤指经历一系列意外后)终于处于,到头来

·I often end up saving part of my meal for the next day.(教材P9)



①If you don’t slow down,you’ll end up ____________ hospital.

②She ended up her speech ____________ a short poem.

③You could end up ____________ (run) this company if you can deal with these problems.


end up with以……结束

end up in在(地点)……结束

end up doing以做……结束

3.give sb a chance to do sth给某人一个做某事的机会

·Cooking together gives us a chance to relax and catch up on each other’s days.(教材P9)



①You should never _______________________ when driving a car.

②If,________________,he won,he would spend the prize money on a computer.

③I wish that I could ________________ to learn traditional Chinese culture further.


take a chance=take chances 冒险;碰运气

by chance=by accident 偶然;碰巧

There is a chance that...有可能……

have a chance to do sth有机会做某事


When I get back home,there’s nothing more satisfying than a big meat dinner.(教材P9)


【分析】 more...than...与其说……倒不如说……,此时不是对两个对象进行比较,而是对同一个人或物在两个不同方面进行比较或取舍。这时不论形容词或副词是单音节、双音节还是多音节,一律用more...than...。

He is more lucky than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。

He was more frightened than hurt.他的伤倒不算什么,可受惊不小。



I made more mistakes than you.我犯的错误比你多。

Last year there were more births than deaths.去年的出生人数多于死亡人数。


He is more careful than the others.他比其他人更仔细。

Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving.


【名师提醒】 若more受much或many的修饰,则应分别与不可数和可数名词连用。

His car cost much more money than mine.他的小汽车所花的钱比我的多得多。

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更新时间: 2024-10-15



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《Food for thought》PartⅢ PPT