《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件10

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件10
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《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件10

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《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件10

课 前 预 习


1. 石头 n. __________

2. 射击;发射 v.________

3. 一点 n.________

4. 愚蠢的 adj. _________

5. 上帝n. _________

6. 虚弱的 adj.__________

7. 提醒v. __________

8. 神,上帝n._________


9. a little bit ______________

10. instead of _______________

11. give up ___________________

12. keep doing sth ___________

13. remind sb of sth ____________

14. remind sb to do sth _________

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1. Your kindness r_______ me of my uncle. He is friendly to others.

2. The government has come up with good ideas to help the w_______.

3. We use s_______ to build houses.

4. To his fans, he is a _______(上帝).

5. It’s ______ (蠢的)of you to walk a long walk in such terrible weather.


6. 在修理了这么多单车之后,他觉得有点累了。

After mending so many bikes, he ___________.

7. 汤姆瞄准了鸟儿,可他什么都射不中。

Tom ________ the bird, but he _____________.

8. 妈妈每天总是提醒我完成作业。

Mom always _____________ homework every day.

... ... ...


( ) 11. The little boy finished _____ cartoons.

A. to watch B. watch

C. watches D. watching

( ) 12. Journey to the West was ______ popular _____ people in the world like it.

A. such; that B. so ; that

C. very; that D. too; to

( ) 13. It is _____ for you to move away the stone. You are too weak.

A. possible B. possibly

C. impossible D. probable

( ) 14. Mrs.Green was ill,so his husband picked up their daughter _____ her.

A. instead B. instead of

C. take the place of D. take place of

( ) 15. Many people are _____ by Yu Gong’s kindness.

A. move B. moving

C. moved D. moves

... ... ...

课 后 作 业


( ) 1. What bad weather! We had better take the bus there __________.

A. instead of walk B. instead of walking C. instead walk D. instead walking

( ) 2. The kids _______ to be singing songs in the room.

A. seemed B. saw C. felt D. stayed

( ) 3. Jim is outgoing, but his sisters, _______ Mary _______ Kelly ______ quiet.

A. neither; nor; is B. neither; or; areC. either; nor; is D. either; or; are

( ) 4. This story is _________ difficult to understand.

A. a bit little B. a bit of

C. little D. a little bit

( ) 5. My teacher always ______ me ______ to the teacher carefully in class.

A. reminds; to listening

B. reminds; to listen

C. remind; to listening

D. remind; to listen

... ... ...


1. 似乎天气越来越暖和。

2. 你将不能通过考试,除非你比之前更努力。

3. 请把它带走,不要放在这儿。

4. 这个故事有许多面,也有多种理解的方式。

5. 以我的观点看来,他一定会赢得比赛。


Shel Silverstein was born in Chicago in 1930. He was a poet, writer and an artist.

Shel Silverstein is 1 for his books for children. However, people of all ages like these poems and stories. His first children’s book 2 in 1963. It is called Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back. The main 3 in the book is a lion that eats hunters and lives like a human.

One year later, his book The Giving Tree came out. It may be his most popular book. It is a story between a boy and a tree that loves him.

The tree gives the boy 4 until it can give no more. Both adults and children have enjoyed reading his book.

Shel Silverstein is also well-known for his poetry. His first children's poetry book is Where the Sidewalk Ends. It was published in 1974. It 5 more than one hundred poems and many drawings. The poems and drawings are creative, funny and wise. In the books readers meet a magic boy who 6 a television set and a girl who eats a whale.

In the 1980s, Shel Silverstein began writing 7 . He wrote about twenty of them. His first play is called The Lady or the Tiger Show.

Shel Silverstein once said that he 8 to go everywhere, look at and listen to everything. He loved to see all the 9 things in life. And he showed these in all of his writings and drawings. However, unluckily, he didn’t live a long life. He 10 of a heart problem in 1999.

... ... ...

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《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件13:

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件13 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1.带路;v______ 2.发光 v.________ 3.明亮的;adj明亮地adv.______ 4.地面n. ________ 5.场景n. ______..

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12:

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件12 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 王子 n. _______ 2.夫妻;两人 n._______ 3. 金子;金币n.______ 4. 欺骗 v. ______ 5. 内衣; n ___..

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件11:

《An old man tried to move the mountains》PPT课件11 课 前 预 习 【单词】 1. 棍;条n._______ 2. 隐藏v._________ 3. 有魔力的;adj._______ 4. 使激动;使兴奋v. ________ 5. 物..


更新时间: 2024-10-05



文件大小:147 KB



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